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My heart is breaking / post 98

So, so, sorry you are having to make such a heartbreaking decision.

Sending you and Humphrey lots and lots of vibes xxxxxx
We were.going to ring the emergency vet this evening but decided first to take him in the garden. It really lifted his spirts, we had some cuddles and kisses and I helped him have a sniff around, which he loved.

He is sound asleep now, so we shall see what the morning brings
I have to keep checking back and adding a few more vibes. Humphrey is such a darling. :love:
(((((((((((( Big hugs ))))))))))))) for you.
We are having our final cuddles this evening, we will be ringing the vets first thing in the morning. The three of is are laying on the bed watching a rubbish film.

Thank you all so much for thinking of us at such a difficult time, it's appreciated
Oh bless your hearts, make this final night special and feed him lots of naughty things for breakfast:love:
We will keep you in our thoughts here xx