Looks like Morse is really enjoying himself. The pads on their feet don't seem to be affected by the snow.
Morse is such a handsome boy.
Looks like he had a great time! I hope you managed to stay warm out there though x
I'm not surprised, my postie told me that she was freezing today. It was -6 when I was de-icing my car this morning, but had warmed up to -3 by lunchtime.I was blue with cold by the time I got home !!
Trouble is all the snow gets impacted between his pads. So every time he goes out in snow I have to dip each of his paws in warm water afterwards. He actually seems to enjoy it though !
Then there is the problem with the salt the council put down. I try my best to avoid letting he walk on any, but at the moment that is near on impossible x