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More Lilith Pictures

Is Bobby a larger lady too? :lol:

Lilith is slightly larger so it seems, Bobby is so long and wide, she has a massive head as well :love:

Actually just looked again, Lilith is HOOOOJ !!! Bobby isn't quite that big, they have that same sleepy expression as well
I know where you live now I can bun-nap her as we have an extra extra large pet carrier :lol::lol:

:lol::lol: we have had to invest in a bigger carrier so she can meet our vet on Thursday

Shelley - I've never known a bunny as sleepy as Lilith :shock:
My OH would kill me :shock: Your's is so understanding :lol:

:lol: he secretly likes them really even though he complains and tells me off when I say we're getting another

We're definitely full for now though, so we won't be getting anymore :angel: until we move anyways