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Im coming off here tonight, getting wound up, will come on to update tomorrow, if people with serious offers for help could PM me I will get back to them tomorrow when we know more xx
This lady is ill, and has become an animal horder, they are crying out for help, but thanks to that last comment, people are going to turn down these rabbits,

Its far from a breeder group!

There may be some on there and they keep track of whats put on there, and to be honest, of all the things on their and people needing help with the buns you pick out that :censored::censored:

Just a warning to people who might not realise. There are plenty of breeding posts on there. That doesn't detract from the rescue effort at all :wave: I'm sure the people who have space for buns will still help if they can xx
There are lots of animal rehoming posts on there, I have posted on their myself,

1 member on there ALONE has rescues 104 buns since christmas, you have called it a 'breeder site' no the group is called -


Everyone is welcome to the group, though there are strict rules that are pushed hard.
Breeding does happen unfortunatley, Im sure theres a few on here that secretly do :lol: but please dont let it stop you going on and even just putting up a bit of moral support, these ladies and gents have been amazing, everything was pulled forward very quickly due to hearing they were worse than first though,
It does distract from the rescue, as there were people willing to go and look and maybe offer help, but with your comment have now decided not to look, sorry Its been a long day with these buns and horses being found, been on my own all day with the kiddies trying to get everything done, glad I dont live alone :lol:
I'm not on facebook, and not in a position to help ... but the buns need help, so I really am hoping lots of people come forward to help them.

It's wrong that these situations arise, but it is not the bunnies' fault and the people trying to do something for them are heroes.
PM me if you need the hutch and I'll pass on details. There is a bit of damp on the roof but it's free if it can be collected.
If I thought I could help, i would.. I really would .. I have a spare hutch but its only a 5x2x2..

I could split the run.. But I dont know if that could be any use....??
Jenova, I have passed the message on, she is going to speak to the lady that has collected them and get back to me, Im sure it will come in use, just need to find someone to collect, thank you so much,

Thank you so much to everyone for offers and support, these people need awards!

Everyone that helps any animal does!

I can post pics for people not on fb if need be,
there are 20 rabbits left, most with really young kits, and the latest is they were trying to get back to remove them ASAP to leave her empty, but she is refusing.
If she refuses could they say they will report her to the RSPCA for neglect and abuse unless she hands them all over? Since I can't imagine the ones that are left are in a good state either! I hope someone keeps an eye on her so she doesn't get like this again! Poor buns and piggys. I hope people can help. I'm utterly no use.
Can't help in any practical way, but I'm sending vibes.
I really hope they manage to get the rest of the buns out.
Think I head of this on a different forum a couple weeks back :? Really sorry I can't help, if I lived near you I'd send my hutches or at least some bunny toys :cry: Sending love.
I'm to far away unfortunately or I would help I have a 8x6 converted shed since my buns moved indoors so could take in some temporarily but l'm up in Scotland
Really shocked at the implication that an animal who is suffering should be discriminated against because of where it came from.
The pictures that have been put on the site so far are horrific.
Just a warning to people who might not realise. There are plenty of breeding posts on there. That doesn't detract from the rescue effort at all :wave: I'm sure the people who have space for buns will still help if they can xx

Sorry I only just saw this bit. Apologies x
Poor poor bunnies. The photos are horrific. :cry:

My offer of transport still stands if any do need to come northwards. :wave:




















Buns had burrowed in this to get up to other levels!
If forum users find the above imagary to graphic or upsetting, please just say and i will remove them, this is just the first initial photos from 2.30am

They are desperately trying to get the rabbits veterinary treatment but are struggling to find one that will do this at a reduced price!
I am going to call round some of our local rescues, see if they have any suggestions,
If anyone else has any suggestions for vets please let me know and I will pass on, there are 54 buns, so lots that need the once over xx