Jack was one of the 8 'surprise litter' Rexes.
Jack on top of the pile
He was the runt and he was born with a deformed front foot. This never caused him any problems at all. Jack became an exceptionally special Rabbit to me. I wont go into the full details, but suffice to say I was in a very bad way and Jack literally sat with me until I could phone for help. Our relationship was almost telepathic. He just 'understood'. Much in the way that Morse understood me.
Jack was bonded closely to his brother Ronan
Then one afternoon tragedy struck. An urban Fox came into my house via the kitchen window. I was upstairs at the time. All hell broke lose downstairs, including blood curdling screams from Ronan and Jack. The Fox killed Ronan and very nearly killed Jack. I will never forget the carnage I witnessed in my kitchen that day. Jack was severely traumatised and I thought he would die from shock. Thankfully he pulled through, although it was many many weeks before he came out of his shell and started to behave normally again. Eventually I bonded him with a gentle Doe called Maggie. I had rescued her from a Pet Shop, the shop owner was giving her away for free as she was basically one big matted knot, covered in caked on poo and also suffering with pneumonia. Maggie was very sick for many weeks. But she eventually recovered. Although she was left with severely damaged lungs.
In his 7th year Jack developed a tumour on his hip.
It was found to be a Fibrosarcoma. This is a cancerous growth that usually does not spread to other parts of the body, but grows rapidly. It often recurs quickly even if removed. Jack had one lot of surgery to remove as much of the tumour as possible. He came through the op' well.
But after just a few months the tumour had grown again to twice the size. I felt it was not appropriate to put him through more surgery. He was kept comfortable on palliative care. But eventually the tumour effected the blood supply to the lower part of his leg. The skin started to ulcerate and die off. I had to let him go. It broke my heart. This photo was taken on his last morning, 27th March 2006
Jack really did save my life.