Lord Herbert is on Borrowed Time U/D 18th May

Heart rate 125bpm and very irregular. My Vet has advised no aggressive interventions given all his other health problems. He is not distressed, just very very tired. My Vet and I agree that he is not suffering, he may just slip away, Just as The Inspector did, Lord H continues to eat anything I put infront of him.

Oh, I'm so very sorry to hear this... :cry: I'm glad he's comfortable, at least, and still enjoying his food. I'll be thinking of you and Lord Herbert.
Sending Lord H lots of peaceful vibes. Glad he is still eating and comfortable.
You remain in my thoughts and prayers too.
Oh Jane :cry: all my love and thoughts are for you and dear Lord H this morning. I wish I could be there with you but know I am standing by your sides in spirit. Bless you both and I'm sending up prayers for you. (((((((Huge hugs))))))) xxxxx
He is still with us. Heart rate now 160 bpm. He remains very lethargic, but is calm and eating lots whilst lying down.

The strange thing is that Morse has not left the side of Lord H and Roisin’s enclosure for most of the day. It’s as if he knows x
I'm glad he's calm and eating Jane, that's a little bit of good news. Bless Morse, yes they do know. When I made the decision to let Treacle go a couple of weeks ago, George never left my side day and night, that was such a comfort. Sending loads more vibes for you all xxx
I'm pleased that Lord H is remaining calm - a reflectio indeed of the surroundings he is in, filled with love and peace. Animals know - their sixth sense is far more attuned than humans and I am sure Lrd H feels their special love, as he does yours. Sending loads of vibes for Lord H and hope he continues to feel comfortable. xx
Keeping prayers and vibes going for Lord H. I hope his reassessment brings good news. (((((Hugs))))) xxxxx