Linnet- 2nd February 2009 to 7th October 2019


Wise Old Thumper
Goodnight Linnet Lady :'( 7th October 2019

Linnet ( One of the Honeybunnies Rescue Birdie Buns )

Linnet was 18 months old when she came to live with us from Honeybunnies rescue in Leicester along with her Mother Skylark and Sister Siskin that was in 2012. Sadly Skylark and Siskin didn't get on with her and started picking on her and so we split her up from her Mother and Sister and bonded her with Roly, she has outlived her Mother and Sister and Roly and at the age of 10 years 8 months and after 2 seizure's we felt it was time to let her go. Mike was told by the vet that her body was shutting down so we feel we have done the best we could in the end for her. :cry::cry:

Go find your Mummy Skylark and your Sister Siskin and your Nana Flamingo and your beloved Roly and be happy again at the Bridge with them all.
I promise you I will be there one day to look after you all again but for now I'm needed here little one :'( :'(

Love you to the Moon and Back Linnet <3 <3 🌈💔💔💔💔

I'm so sorry, but what a wonderful life she had with you x Binky free beautiful Linnet xxxx
Sending you lots of hugs.
I hope to meet you at the bridge someday. In the meantime I know my late bunnies are enjoying a meet with your beautiful bunny family.
I remember this little family from my lurking days. I’m so sorry but what a wonderful long life she has had [emoji22]

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