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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

John-Joe - U/D 25th April

Our Vet wants me to continue treatment. JJ is less bloated now and he continues to have some output, albeit it abnormal. His BG is down from 15 to 10. He is nibbling at some forage, not with much enthusiasm. But it’s the first time he’s made any effort to eat for himself for 4 days.

Thank you again for the vibes and support x
I'm glad to see he's making small strides at least. Keep nibbling, J.J. (((((((more healing vibes))))))))

Sending you strength, Jane, and hoping there is some relief from your symptoms as well. (((((((((healing vibes and hugs))))))))) xxxxx
Sending lots of eating, feeling better vibes to little JjJ. I am glad he started to nibble and am hopeful he is turning a corner and he will soon be chowing down lots of yummy foods.
You are luckyl to have a vet you can trust.
JJ has gone downhill again ☹️ He is so stressed with all the hands on care. He won’t touch food if I am watching. He HATES being picked up and now every time I come downstairs or go into the enclosure he thinks he’s going to be picked up. Right now I am trying to hold off doing anything for him. He looks brighter within himself, grooming himself etc. But his output remains very poor. The less he eats the less there will be to come out.

I will have to do his meds soon. And of course the handling will just upset him even more. After this dose of meds I am not going to attempt to handle him at all until his next dose will be needed in 8 hours time. No more syringe feeds or fluids, I am just going to pretend to ignore him. Because now the more I do to try to help the worse I am making him 😩😩
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Oh that's heartbreaking 😢

Some bunnies can be so personable, but the bunnies who only deal well with bunny company are so sensitive and therefore difficult to nurse.

Poor lad. Topping up the vibes that he will do better about eating and eliminating with less handling.

I was lucky with Fiver...he'd eat his recovery food off a dish, no syringe required. I wish J.J. would do that for you. xxxxx
Sending more vibes. I often wonder if it is better to spread out the care or stack items like med, feeding, fluids in the same session.
I hope JJ will settle and start to eat more and produce more poo on his own. Sending huge hugs to you too.
Sending more vibes. I often wonder if it is better to spread out the care or stack items like med, feeding, fluids in the same session.
I hope JJ will settle and start to eat more and produce more poo on his own. Sending huge hugs to you too.

Trouble is feeds need to be done at least every 2 hours when a Rabbit isn’t eating at all. And I don’t want to give large amounts in one go and risk gastric dilation. He needs his fluids doing too.So I have had to handle him every 2 hours 24/7 for the last 4 days/nights.

Leaving him alone seems to be helping in that he has been nibbling hay and forage. Our Vet has just called in and is happy for me to continue what I am doing, ie try to back off handling until his next meds are due. So grateful for the fact that our Vet calls in as I have lost all confidence in myself about everything at the moment.

Thanks again everyone, for being supportive. I think it’s just as well that I will never be able to have any more Rabbits. I cannot cope with the stress caring for them can cause like I used to.
Perhaps knowing they are your last rabbits adds a new level of stress when you are already dealing with progression of your AA.
I usually syringe feed every six hours, though I do not try to replace their entire meal, just enough to keep things moving; plus I do sub Q fluids, and twice a day seems to be ok.
I understand that a bloated bunny like JJ is different from a dental bunny who has slow gut sounds from not eating. Plus eating does stimulate gut movement, so more often may do better at keeping the gut moving.
Sending you and JJ lots of positive vibes.