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Available Rescue: Isaac and Orsan. 2 Handsome boar piggies


Mama Doe
Isaac and Orsan are 2 very handsome, friendly male piggies who found their way to me through no fault of their own. Their owner was not looking after them and a neighbour was popping round feeding and cleaning them because she was so concerned, they eventually decided they did not want them anymore, which is how they ended up with me. Isaac is around 3 years old and Orsan is around 10 months old. They are so sweet and adorable and both come to the front of the hutch to have their noses tickled :love:. I am located in Norwich and will require a home check to make sure they are going to a good home. If you live far away I am sure a piggy train can be arranged :D

No I don't have a website anymore. I "officially" closed the rescue 4 years ago but still help the odd few that come my way ;). These are the only piggies I have looking for a home at the moment.
These lovely boys are still looking for a home. There must be someone out there that wants to give them a home. I have listed them on the guinea pig forum but with no luck there either :(