Is it best to separate completely?


Warren Scout
Hi everyone.

My rabbits have been kept separately for a few months now as one started attacking the other all the time. I've tried bonding them back together to no avail :( At the moment they're kept in my bedroom in my parents house with the room split down the middle so they can still see eachother. It doesn't seem to do much help though and the aggressive rabbit tries to attack the other one through the bars. I'm thinking about bringing one of the rabbits to my university house to live with me and leaving the other one at home with parents. Do you think that would help? I'm wondering if they'll forget about eachother and be able to be bonded back together after a few months then. The reason I haven't got them with me now is because I have no room in this shared house for two rabbit set ups! At my wits end because I really want to get them together again so I can have them both here. Both are spayed females.

thanks :)
Personally I think it would be less stressful for both rabbits if they were liiving apart from each other. It's a pity but I doubt very much if they will ever get on.
I think it's not a good idea to leave them like this, when they can sea eachother, because (as you can See) your Rabbit gets very aggressive. They want to make clear who is the boss in the hierarchy and that's impossible through the bars. I would seperate them without any contact (seeing eachother). Why did you seperate them? How bad was the fight? (I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. My english isn't perfect, i'm german)
Separate them completely. I am not sure that they will rebond but certainly keep them apart for a few months until they have forgotton about each other.

I did this (due to advice on here) with my two bucks, Frosty and Snowflake. They rebonded months later with two sisters added in. Not sure if two does will do so though. Best of luck.

At least you will have one of them with you.

If it comes to it (and they wont rebond) a local rescue MAY swap one of your girls for a buck. Dont mean to sound heartless but its worth considering all options.

Hope you find a good solution.
I think it's not a good idea to leave them like this, when they can sea eachother, because (as you can See) your Rabbit gets very aggressive. They want to make clear who is the boss in the hierarchy and that's impossible through the bars. I would seperate them without any contact (seeing eachother). Why did you seperate them? How bad was the fight? (I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. My english isn't perfect, i'm german)

One of them just started bullying the other. Pulling out her fur and lunging for her. She would chase her round the room and it got to the point when the other rabbit was really scared of her :( I kept them in the same room because one the other rabbit misses her and likes being able to see her. I think I will separate them completely though when I am able to.
Separate them completely. I am not sure that they will rebond but certainly keep them apart for a few months until they have forgotton about each other.

I did this (due to advice on here) with my two bucks, Frosty and Snowflake. They rebonded months later with two sisters added in. Not sure if two does will do so though. Best of luck.

At least you will have one of them with you.

If it comes to it (and they wont rebond) a local rescue MAY swap one of your girls for a buck. Dont mean to sound heartless but its worth considering all options.

Hope you find a good solution.

Thanks for the advice. I am going to do this! I will try and rebond in a few months time and reconsider my options then if it doesnt work out
How they interact through the bars isn't necessarily related to how they interact on neutral territory. Blocking the sight line might help reduce aggression/stress.
I would seperate them. But once buns have fought, especially if they have had failed rebonding attempts be aware that they don't forget. :shock:

My boys fell out as hormonal teenage buns, despite neutering I gave up on rebonding after several failed attempts and bonded each with their own wifey bun. After losing Farore I tried a trio, the boys hadn't seen each other for over a year. They were in a neutral place and it took Loki less than 30 seconds to launch into a full on fight. He knew full well who Thor was and was not happy!!! :shock: luckily I had my trusty broom and broke the fight up quickly and nobun was hurt!
I would seperate them. But once buns have fought, especially if they have had failed rebonding attempts be aware that they don't forget. :shock:

My boys fell out as hormonal teenage buns, despite neutering I gave up on rebonding after several failed attempts and bonded each with their own wifey bun. After losing Farore I tried a trio, the boys hadn't seen each other for over a year. They were in a neutral place and it took Loki less than 30 seconds to launch into a full on fight. He knew full well who Thor was and was not happy!!! :shock: luckily I had my trusty broom and broke the fight up quickly and nobun was hurt!

Oh gosh that sounds like a nightmare! Hoping mine will go a bit better haha. I say they've fought but it's all completely one sided! Lana is very submissive and pretty much lets Luna do whatever she wants to her. Had to separate them because she was getting hurt, and she was letting her do it. Since they were separated the aggression through the bars has become quite bad, and when they accidentally got together one time it was carnage. I will give it one more go after the separation though, if it doesn't work, i'll probably leave Luna as a single rabbit and adopt a new bunny for Lana. If anything Luna seems happier now that she's alone and has really come out of her shell, i dont know if perhaps she's just fiercely independent :lol: But for Lana's sake I want them back together again because she misses her :(