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Indoor grass has stopped growing :(


Mama Doe

I have some questions about growing indoor grass. I got the nibbles grass from zooplus about six weeks ago and had great success with it. It is the barley and oats grass and smells so nice. The bunnies loved it and it was growing really well but it has stopped growing now and I dont understand why. I was hoping it would keep them going for the whole of the winter. I'm so disappointed as I planted lots of it and had it in colourful pots all over the house. It probably sounds daft but I actually really liked the look of it and it really brightened up the place.

I grew the grass in normal compost and watered it a little every day, I cut it with a scissors twice a week. Is there anything I could have done wrong? I kept them on windows so they got plenty of light. The grass has not died, the growth has just come to a halt and only a couple of the shoots are growing at the original rate. Any insight from fellow grass growers would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading :)

Here is a pic to show how well it was growing:


And this one I was really proud of because it was so cute in the little cup :

pot them on into bigger trays or troughs, give the roots more room to spread and grow better :wave: also maybe the colder weather has slown down the growth which happens with outdoor lawns at this time of year
It may also need fed. Make some bunny poo fertiliser and it should give it a bit of help. Either pop poo straight in the soil or stew some in water for a week then use the water to water the grass.
The food in compost usually lasts around 6 weeks, remember the grass takes nutrients from the soil and turns them in the leaves, you're cutting the leaves so it sucks up more nutrients to grow more and then you take them away - unless you add more nutrients to the soil for them to suck up eventually it runs out.

You need to repot or feed in someway. Rabbit poop is an option but it's going to take awhile to rot down and release the nutrients, you might find a liquid feed easier. You could make your own from various things but again for the quantity you want a bottle of seaweed or similar liquid fertilizer is probably easiest. Just pick one that's suitable for use on vegetables as your are growing it for eating.
Thats great advice everyone. Gosh can't believe I didn't think that they would need to be fed. ooops ! I think I may get rid of what I have grown to date and start from scratch and do it right this time. I must start collecting bunny poo's too, shouldn't be too hard :shock: Thanks again :wave:
That grass doesn't keep regrowing - you have to keep replanting it, in my experience.