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I Wonder if he Loves me.............

Judging by the first pic id say Morse feels so much love for you and feels your love and kindness too:D

How special the bond between a human and an animal and how privalidged the person to gain such a bond.
Gotta love those velvet noses :love:
Its summer here, when I am out with the buns, Gilbert gives me Rex nose bumps on my bare feet & ankles, its so lovely. Very different to when Parsley nose bumps because she has really long whiskers.....which is still pretty nice :love:
Gotta love those velvet noses :love:
Its summer here, when I am out with the buns, Gilbert gives me Rex nose bumps on my bare feet & ankles, its so lovely. Very different to when Parsley nose bumps because she has really long whiskers.....which is still pretty nice :love:

Awwwwww tickly whiskers !! :lol: :love: :love:
aw what a lovely picture jane. you can defiantely see that morse loves you. what a sweety, everyone loves their mummy. :love:
Awww. Bless him.
This might sound odd, but what combination of breeds is he (apart from EL and rex) ?
His and Marnies shape looks so similar.....
He's such a lovely lad....giving his mummy noserubs :love: