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I think it may be time for our Lily - It was :o(

So very sorry Liz, Lily was gorgeous - sleep well beautiful girl. Sending genle hugs to Heather, hope she will adjust ok to the loss of her best pal xx
Sleep well, precious Lily. xxx

Sending comforting thoughts for your Heather, who is missing you dreadfully. :(
:cry: I'm sorry Liz. Lily had a wonderfully happy life I'm sure, and I know she would want to thank you for having the strength & kindness to let her go when it was time. xx
Thank you xx

It will be strange tonight when I do meds as she wouldn't take her metacam straight from the syringe so I always had to pick her up and she would always lick my arm :love::love:
oh so very sorry - sleep tight little Lily...she was so beautiful! Hope Heather is ok xxxx huge hugs xxx