Young Bun
Hi Everyone:wave: I could use some help!
Im in a bit of a dilema and im just going round in circles
Basically I had two house rabbits Shadow who i had for 6 years and Bailey who I got from RSPCA about 4 years ago. Shadow was my pride and joy and a huge part of my life but was sadly pts a month ago due to a jaw abcess. I was utterly devastated. I never really bonded with Bailey, hes a nice enough rabbit but i simply dont feel alot of love for him, he was always a companion for shadow. I had always said that when i lost Shadow i would return Bailey to the RSPCA but its a month later and I still have him.
I feel guilty at the fact that he is now on his own which i dont think is fair but I feel guilty about calling the RSPCA and sending him back!
I thought about getting another rabbit but I just cant do it. Shadow meant so much to me in so many ways I simply cant bring myself to get another yet. Ive had alot of changes in my circumstances recently and I could do with being rabbit free for a while tbh!
I just feel like such a terrible person for giving Bailey back but I dont think that him being in my flat on his own for most of the day and night is fair. Im worried about the response ill get from the RSPCA too, i feel like such a bad bunny mummy! I dont know what to do
Im in a bit of a dilema and im just going round in circles
Basically I had two house rabbits Shadow who i had for 6 years and Bailey who I got from RSPCA about 4 years ago. Shadow was my pride and joy and a huge part of my life but was sadly pts a month ago due to a jaw abcess. I was utterly devastated. I never really bonded with Bailey, hes a nice enough rabbit but i simply dont feel alot of love for him, he was always a companion for shadow. I had always said that when i lost Shadow i would return Bailey to the RSPCA but its a month later and I still have him.
I feel guilty at the fact that he is now on his own which i dont think is fair but I feel guilty about calling the RSPCA and sending him back!
I thought about getting another rabbit but I just cant do it. Shadow meant so much to me in so many ways I simply cant bring myself to get another yet. Ive had alot of changes in my circumstances recently and I could do with being rabbit free for a while tbh!
I just feel like such a terrible person for giving Bailey back but I dont think that him being in my flat on his own for most of the day and night is fair. Im worried about the response ill get from the RSPCA too, i feel like such a bad bunny mummy! I dont know what to do