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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Humphrey - 9 weeks old - GI Stasis UPDATE: He is back in hospital

Should I give him recovery if i've not seen him eat by say lunchtime??

I've also still got some infacol, should I give that just to be on the safe side?
Should I give him recovery if i've not seen him eat by say lunchtime??

I've also still got some infacol, should I give that just to be on the safe side?

Can you have a feel of his abdomen, is it still 'sloshy' ?

I am sorry to bang on about the toxin binder but I really wish the Vet had prescribed it. Baytril will not address the build up of 'bad' bacteria.

Re the Infacol, it wont do anything unless the stomach is very gassy.

Is he eating hay ?
I've only given him hay. I will grab him and poke his Tum once he seems to be done eating...

Is the area I have circled his fluff or a bloated stomach ?

I've had a feel and I would say he feels like a normal bun Tum, I think. Only think I have noticed is he still has quite a prominent spine but I am hoping that will go down as he starts eating properly and poopin again
I woke up this morning, saw Humph and burst into tears.

His head lolled back and when I tried to pick him up he was really surprised (like he hadn't seen me) even though I approached from the side. I took him to the vet where he had a seizure :( I've been crying since half 6. He's now at the vet who are warming him up (he was cold, even though he lives in my room at a balmy 19 degrees) and lay with his back legs spread out. I had thought over the weekend he was just peeing anywhere because he forgot what the litter was for but I am starting to think maybe he did not have control.

She is unsure what it could be but did mention E. cunniculi (as some of you had before) but she also said it could just be a genetic condition. I feel so guilty like I have failed as his mum. I worry that I held him wrong or he fell off something when I wasn't looking.
You have not failed him, it sounds as though something is seriously wrong with the wee one and I very much doubt you have caused it.
I'm sorry that he is back in but it's sadly not a surprise. You have not failed him at all. You have done your very best to ensure he gets the treatment necessary. I do believe the first vets were not as good as they should have been though, but that's not your fault- just something to learn from.

When we have a bunny we love, so sick, it is natural to question it because we want to know it could have been different, but it couldn't necessarily have been different. Just try to deal with these circumstances now.

Thinking of you, and him, and hoping that he can carry on fighting.
I woke up this morning, saw Humph and burst into tears.

His head lolled back and when I tried to pick him up he was really surprised (like he hadn't seen me) even though I approached from the side. I took him to the vet where he had a seizure :( I've been crying since half 6. He's now at the vet who are warming him up (he was cold, even though he lives in my room at a balmy 19 degrees) and lay with his back legs spread out. I had thought over the weekend he was just peeing anywhere because he forgot what the litter was for but I am starting to think maybe he did not have control.

She is unsure what it could be but did mention E. cunniculi (as some of you had before) but she also said it could just be a genetic condition. I feel so guilty like I have failed as his mum. I worry that I held him wrong or he fell off something when I wasn't looking.

Please PLEASE ask the Vet to consult a Rabbit SPECIALIST

I have been trying to explain all along that the toxins in his guts will build up

Hence me banging on about Metronidazole and Questran (Toxin Binder)

I fear Humphrey may now have Enterotoxaemia, I am so very sorry and I wish I could say 'he will be ok' but all along I have tried to explain that this could happen :cry:

It s NOT your fault, but the Vet he is seing is clearly limited in Rabbit specific knowledge.

I am pretty sure that my Vet (Chrisabel or Laura) would talk with your Vet and share information

The contact number is Twickenham Veterinary Surgery- O208-898-0528

I am hoping for a miracle for Humphrey x

If you dont feel able to ask the Vet to contact a Specialist/ more 'Rabbit Experienced Vet' could you politely ask they run a blood test. This will give some indication as to his Kidney/Liver function. Both of which are likely to be severely compromised now :cry:
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