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Humphrey - 9 weeks old - GI Stasis UPDATE: He is back in hospital

Thanks parsnip. I spoke to Wendy at twickenham and she didn't disagree with anything being done but said I was welcome to bring him down for a second opinion tomorrow if I wanted so I feel a bit relieved?

Have you seen Humphrey yourself today ?

Have you discussed any of the suggested treatments mentioned on here with The Vet treating him- ie Metronidazole, Questran (the toxin binder) ?

I use Twickenham Vets and if you plan to transfer Humphrey there tomorrow if he is still with us and is not too ill to be moved then I would advise you to see either Christabel or Laura.
Have you seen Humphrey yourself today ?

Have you discussed any of the suggested treatments mentioned on here with The Vet treating him- ie Metronidazole, Questran (the toxin binder) ?

I use Twickenham Vets and if you plan to transfer Humphrey there tomorrow if he is still with us and is not too ill to be moved then I would advise you to see either Christabel or Laura.

Right I have seen him again and he is still on metaclopramide and also now on baytril and protexin. His poo now includes soft dark brown pellets but still a bit of liquid too. Also when I held him i could hear gurgling and felt movement in his belly.

Here are some pics and video I took. Also one of his sister sapphire doing her best bunny flop at home (I do no keeP her in a carrier she just likes to sleep in it) http://pbckt.com/ab.ad3uC

I am now inclined to leave him there as I saw him drinking, he was hopping around and even gave me a tooth purr when I gave him a stroke.

I don't think he's received the specialist care that would have helped him recover the quickest but I think I am very lucky to have a strong bunny. Now just have to hope he starts eatin again tomorrow/sat and he can hopefully come home
Poor Bunny, he does look very poorly :cry:

The sloshing about in his abdomen is sadly not a good sign :cry: What did the Vet say about Metronidazole and Questran (the toxin binder) ? I honestly believe these may save his life. I have seen it in one of my Rabbits who developed acute enteritis.

I am hoping for a miracle for Humphrey.
I did not end up mentioning the toxin binders and he's already Getting baytril so antibiotics covered...

I saw him today and observed him doing pellet poops. They are still dark brown and a bit squishy but have good form and he was pumping them Out like a trooper.

Today is the first day he's come over to me and he hopped onto my lap, i think he was saying 'come on mum, time to go home now'.

Vet reckons we should be able to take him tomorrow providing pooping continues to imprOve. He's also eating again but we may still need to do a bit of syringe feeding to supplement. Luckily my mother in law's office allows animals so if necessary she can take him with her next week as I am going back to work.

Building a second hutch tomorrow morning to house humph on his return (we had it but didn't want to construct it prematurely and tempt fate...) i will tell you tomorrow if I all goes well!!
Brilliant to here he is home!:D:D

You can give him a small bowl of water to drink from as many rabbits prefer bowls to bottles anyway.
Thanks Ali! I put a small bowl out but obviously as soon as I did that he figured out the sippy again!! I've left it anyway, just in case.

Still giving him baytril twice a day for a few more days but as long as he continues eating and drinking we shouldn't need recovery anymore. Will be excitedly examining his poos in the morning!

I am so very pleased he has survived and is home with you. In my experience of baby buns that have stomach issues the stomach continues to be delicate - and they may have periods of bloat or stasis far more frequently than other buns even into adulthood. Whether due to the original illness or perhaps they were more prone to them in the first place I do not know.

Despite Humphrey being well now I do suggest that you register him and your other new bun with one of the recommended vets here - it may save his life another time - and of course they will be superb at neutering as well:D.
Yeah i think i will register at corner vets or twickenham now. Now we have to wait and see if humph is a girl or boy.....