

New Kit
Just thought I would say hi and make my presence known! I am Lori from Liverpool and owner of Bunnymail. Slave to 7 house buns, 2 chinchillas, 3 degus, 2 cockateils, 2 guinea pigs and 3 dogs! Oh and the husband! :wink:
Hi Lori, you won't remember me but I used to belong to a email group you ran. Anyhoo which 7 bunnies do you have now a days?

Hi Angela :) Nice to see you again.

I still have 4-5 bunnies that I had when I ran the UKPR group. Meer who will be six next month, Roo who wil be six in Jan, Noodles and Kes who are 5, and Griffin who is 4. Now we also have Cadbury and Pinkerton. So 7 bunnies! Not to mention all the other furries!
Hello Lori!

I've just had a guilty pang because I didn't give you an update on the Rumble Tumble Bunnies! Delia at Bobtails has named one Sir Parsley and he is currently travelling the country (including visiting quite a few people here) raising money for Bobtails. He has proved so popular that he has recently been joined by a little bunny called Rhubarb who is a left over from my ex-Bunnymail stock.

There are some photos at http://www.therabbithouse.co.uk
I did wonder how the rumble bunny was getting on! Glad to see its proven that popular! Its a fab idea!
Oooh yes I remember the names, do you have a site with photos? Some of your bunnies are rather gorgeous!
