Hi from Aberdeen

Maybe I pressed the wrong button? I'm still getting the hang of this. Your meant to be able to post unless you are signed in so I have no idea how you managed it :D

Hi Angela my Aberdeen friend!!

Glad that I have got on here as well and am just enjoying catching up with you all. Adele mentioned weather!! Oh my goodness - here where I am we have been fogbound for days although it also has been hot and clammy. I have a lovely friend in Bournemouth who keeps tormenting me about the sunshine down there!!
Hi Marlene, I can imagine you have been fogbound, I live quite close to the sea and we have been suffering too although it seems the whole city has been affected. Don't mention hot and clammy, what a nightmare it has been trying to keep the bunnies cool. The fan has been doing overtime trying to keep them cool, thankfully it has been working!
