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Help!!! Too much panacur!


Wise Old Thumper
Could anybody please tell me if its dangerous to give too much panacur in one go?? I've just given Olly about 4 times more than he should have, I thought I was holding the baytril syringe and just squirted it in his mouth :( should i just not give him any for a few days?? Really worried :(
I don't actually know but can you phone your vet and ask? They may still be there if you ring now. Or what about the packaging of the Pancur, is there any information with it?
Thanks antigone i feel a bit better knowing that... And no, stupidly there is no info on the leaflet about this!! :?
Thanks antigone i feel a bit better knowing that... And no, stupidly there is no info on the leaflet about this!! :?

You are welcome! Thankfully, Panacur is not toxic! :)
I remember when I overdid it :oops:, I did not give any the following day, although I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do. :?
Please dont worry I did exactly the same the first time I gave panacur not just one dose the hole course:shock::shock::shock:My buns where fine thank goodness
I'm 99% sure that there are no serious side effects of Panacur overdose. You may find oily residue in poops though. Would call your vet to check if I was you - hope all ok x
keep a close eye on him to watch out for an upset tummy but it's unlikely there will be problems.
It could affect his gut flora so I would definitely give him some probiotic over the next few days.

Helen xx