
Hi Omi,
Ings is packaged in plastic, however I now much prefer it to Timothy Hay’s latest batch. Both Winnie and Zigzag wanted me to say that on their behalf.

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Hi Omi,
Ings is packaged in plastic, however I now much prefer it to Timothy Hay’s latest batch. Both Winnie and Zigzag wanted me to say that on their behalf.

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Thank you for responding. Yes, I've since found out that it's in plastic. Do you keep it in the plastic or decant it into the large cardboard boxes?

Thank Winnie and Zigzag's contributions too :) the latest batch from Timothy Hay was what prompted me to look elsewhere.

I did get the trial bag with the three different varieties and the preference here by both bunnies was very definitely timothy and rye, so that would be the one I would go for.
Hi omi

I keep most of it in the plastic, but I decant some of it into 2 Ikea plastic recycling tubs, that I’ve drilled holes into. These tubs stay in the living room, as the massive bag would make the living room even worse.

I got the sample pack too! It’s good that you know what both your bunnies go for. I actually originally got the Timothy and rye based on the sample packs.

The Ings is a lot less stalky than the Timothyhay stuff, but it is going down so much better.

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Hello Omi. I keep my ings in plastic but cut the top off so its open topped. It lasts my four about a month. I also have some old left over bale hay (from when I lived in Hampshire and had horsey people who got me bales) and I use straw from hay and straw for extra insulation.

The old baled hay lives in a green wheelie bin outside the rabbit shed and has kept just fine.
Hello Omi. I keep my ings in plastic but cut the top off so its open topped. It lasts my four about a month. I also have some old left over bale hay (from when I lived in Hampshire and had horsey people who got me bales) and I use straw from hay and straw for extra insulation.

The old baled hay lives in a green wheelie bin outside the rabbit shed and has kept just fine.

Thanks, tulsi :) I think I will order some when the current batch of hay is near the end.
I just got some Ings hay and I think a few maggots have come out of the bag- I found 3 crawling up the wall away from the bag. I feel pretty sick.

As a Londoner that is completely clueless, what should I do in this type of situation? I wasn't sure if they were baby caterpillars..

I really am not feeling good now
I would take some photos and contact the supplier.
If the hay has been stored correctly, it's unusual to get creepy crawlies in it.
You could also put the pics on here for ID. We like a challenge, and they may be innocent hitch hikers.
Meamwhile, I would put the whole thing in another bag, tie the top and keep it outside and somewhere dry if you can.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, this is the first time this has happened, and probably at the worst time as Zigs isn’t 100%, and I’m not sure what I can feed them this weekend

I’ll do what you said, and contact the supplier.

I think it might be a moth caterpillar- husband took a very good photo!!


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Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, this is the first time this has happened, and probably at the worst time as Zigs isn’t 100%, and I’m not sure what I can feed them this weekend

I’ll do what you said, and contact the supplier.

I think it might be a moth caterpillar- husband took a very good photo!!
It’s got legs!
No idea what that is, but this is exactly why I stopped buying ings hay from them. There was always something living in there 😬
No idea what that is, but this is exactly why I stopped buying ings hay from them. There was always something living in there 😬
Really?!!! What do you buy now?

I always like their stuff, ok I’ve only got 2 lots of stuff before!
Really?!!! What do you buy now?

I always like their stuff, ok I’ve only got 2 lots of stuff before!
Yeaa I had loads of issue with flying bugs and crawling bugs most bags.. Not every bag but more than is normal imo. I guess it is a natural products, but I don't have that issue with other hays I've tried?

I just buying from timothyhay.co.uk now, have done for 6 years, and never had one issue, I was buying hay every week then every 2 weeks at one point. It's probably every 3 weeks now. I just think it's done right tbh. And I just switch between stalky and soft hay for variety. I always try new hays when I see them, but they never like them as much as that hay long term. My buns and pigs never seem to go off it either tbh. But obviously every bun is different tho!

Your picture looks like a caterpillar to me, there's probably more than one 😂
Oh dear, I can’t believe you got so many bugs, which is pretty disgusting. I was really surprised when I found them running away from the bag!

I actually searched for moths and Ings hay and found another post here, where someone had the same issue. I’ve never had this issue either with any other hay. Can’t believe you bought hay every week! Did your bigger buns eat mountains of hay?

I can see why you get Timothy Hay, it’s usually all I get, but they have gone off it and started loving Ings. But looks like I’ll be going back to Timothy
Oh dear, I can’t believe you got so many bugs, which is pretty disgusting. I was really surprised when I found them running away from the bag!

I actually searched for moths and Ings hay and found another post here, where someone had the same issue. I’ve never had this issue either with any other hay. Can’t believe you bought hay every week! Did your bigger buns eat mountains of hay?

I can see why you get Timothy Hay, it’s usually all I get, but they have gone off it and started loving Ings. But looks like I’ll be going back to Timothy
Not sure if you've tried this one already, but my buns really like the Burgess Meadow hay, available from the Hay Experts. Value for money wise, it isn't as good as the Ings or timothyhay.co.uk hay as it's around £25 for a 4.5 kg box. However it is quite densely packed so it lasts longer than you might expect.

I used to get Ings all the time but the last bag was practically more twigs than hay. I'm actually quite grateful now I got twigs rather than bugs!
Thanks Scrappy’s Little Helper, that’s a great name btw! I’ve not bought the hay you’ve suggested, but may try to get a sample if I can. I always find I but massive amounts of hay and then they never eat it!

Yes, I’d prefer twigs than insects, I’m glad you didn’t get any though. No one wants to see a bug over breakfast.

I got a really lovely response from Hay and Straw. She seems to have a vet friend that’s an expert in bugs. I’m getting a new bale, so will probably have double the amount of bugs now


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Thanks Scrappy’s Little Helper, that’s a great name btw! I’ve not bought the hay you’ve suggested, but may try to get a sample if I can. I always find I but massive amounts of hay and then they never eat it!

Yes, I’d prefer twigs than insects, I’m glad you didn’t get any though. No one wants to see a bug over breakfast.

I got a really lovely response from Hay and Straw. She seems to have a vet friend that’s an expert in bugs. I’m getting a new bale, so will probably have double the amount of bugs now
I have just received a bag of Timothy and Rye from Hay and Straw. No bugs found in that so far. I like and agree with the message you have got from them. I think the bug you found is likely to be a Cutworm (larva of the Turnip Moth) or a close relative. I have to say that if it were me and my bunnies liked the Ings as much as the T&R, I would actually prefer to get the Ings (including any bugs). It confirms that the Ings is grown organically (ie without pesticides/herbicides), whereas I suspect the T&R isn't. Hopefully your replacement bag is bugfree :)
I have just received a bag of Timothy and Rye from Hay and Straw. No bugs found in that so far. I like and agree with the message you have got from them. I think the bug you found is likely to be a Cutworm (larva of the Turnip Moth) or a close relative. I have to say that if it were me and my bunnies liked the Ings as much as the T&R, I would actually prefer to get the Ings (including any bugs). It confirms that the Ings is grown organically (ie without pesticides/herbicides), whereas I suspect the T&R isn't. Hopefully your replacement bag is bugfree :)
Thank you Omi, I had a feeling you might know what it is, as you seem to know a lot on this forum, especially about forage.

I looked up the turnip moth- useful to see what it turns into! Do you think I can still feed it to them? Or would you recommend putting it outside for a bit? Unfortunately we don’t have anywhere in the garden where we can keep it.

Thank you
Well I possibly have different ideas about bunnies and bugs as my bunnies live outside. I can't say that I have ever found larvae in the shed, but I once found a slug and there are often spiders and beetles running about on the floor. I would imagine that a spider or beetle is very likely to have strayed into any of the litter trays and therefore been within the hay. I don't think that the bunnies would take any notice and I'm confident that they would not attempt to eat them.

That said, I would obviously not deliberately give them anything that I knew contained bugs. I do think though that when you took some hay out of the bag it would be very easy to determine if there was any bug in your handful. I don't think that infection would be an issue. So, if it were me I would continue to feed the hay, but be observant. It would also be interesting to see how much of an issue it is.
I agree with Omi. I'd rather have a few random bugs / weeds than lots of pesticides / herbicides and not a single bug / weed. As long as the bugs in question are not too numerous or an issue in the house (ie may damageclothes or infest my food), then I would shake out the daily stuff outside to remove any obvious passengers, and store the bulk double wrapped (eg breathable but sealed boxes or old duvet covers / pillow cases) somewhere that it doesn't matter if the odd beastie escapes.