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hay allergies

hi all,
I currently have all my rabbits living outside in a lovely set up. However, I would much prefer personally to have them indoors especially in the recent weather. Unfortunately I have extreme hay allergies but I am okay with rabbits. I seem to be okay with dry grass and I have heard of some people using that as an alternative to hay? any advice would be much appreciated as it would be so lovely to have them indoors.
Thanks so much
Erm - hay is dried grass....so not sure what you mean.
Rabbits need to have grass or hay as the main part of their diet, so that's going to be an issue when fresh grass isn't available.
By dry grass, do you mean such things as ReadiGrass? I'm not sure if it can be used as a total replacement for hay. I've read it's more nutritious than hay, but on the other hand, it can't be more nutritious than fresh grass, and rabbits can obviously eat as much as they want of that... I don't see any harm in seeing how they do with it while they're still outside, while still providing hay in case they don't eat the ReadiGrass. I wonder if they might miss eating hay, though, as hay typically has much longer strands, so it's a different eating experience.
it might be worth you trying Orchard hay - I've heard that is much easier on people with allergies
Some suppliers provide dust-free hay.
You could also look at the different cuts to avoid eg seedheads / pollen. Some suppliers state which cut of the year it is for each batch.
It depends on what exactly you are allergic to.

Out of interest, what do you use for bedding, and for feed in winter?
hi everyone,
thanks so much for all your replies. so sorry i didn't realise it said dry grass i must have put that in by accident i meant normal grass as it would be abit tricky however if it does the same as hay i could probably get them enough every day
again so sorry for the mistake
thank so much😊
Some suppliers provide dust-free hay.
You could also look at the different cuts to avoid eg seedheads / pollen. Some suppliers state which cut of the year it is for each batch.
It depends on what exactly you are allergic to.

Out of interest, what do you use for bedding, and for feed in winter?
in the winter for their indoor area i have a straw box and also a very enclosed covered area which is also full of straw which i change every 2-3 days, they also obviously still have acess to alot of hay and for feed i use timothy hay, veg, nuggets and also i something do some flower forage for them. also in. the winter their whole area is tarpaulined and covered
hope that helps😊
hi everyone,
thanks so much for all your replies. so sorry i didn't realise it said dry grass i must have put that in by accident i meant normal grass as it would be abit tricky however if it does the same as hay i could probably get them enough every day
again so sorry for the mistake
thank so much😊
Fresh grass is even better than hay! It doesn't stay good for very long, though, once it's been cut, so you'd have to get them fresh grass several times a day, so they always (during the night, too) have enough, although you can keep it nice in the fridge for a while.
Fresh grass is even better than hay! It doesn't stay good for very long, though, once it's been cut, so you'd have to get them fresh grass several times a day, so they always (during the night, too) have enough, although you can keep it nice in the fridge for a while.
thats great to know!
does anybody know if it affects their poo as i heard once it can make their poo abit more runny,
thanks so much for letting me know!
I don't see why grass would make bunnies' poo runny, when grass is their natural diet. You do need to make sure they get used to it slowly, as with any food. I think grass makes their poo darker, though.
I don't see why grass would make bunnies' poo runny, when grass is their natural diet. You do need to make sure they get used to it slowly, as with any food. I think grass makes their poo darker, though.
Thanks so much, my bunnies go on grass most days so hopefully they are already abit used to it☺️