Harley- Binkying Free from 26-08-2017


Wise Old Thumper
Dear Harley,

It seems such a long time ago that I first met you at the RSPCA. At that time, you were bonded with Fricky, who was a big, white rabbit, although sadly I have no photos of you both. You'd been there for a while, and, even way back then (oooh, January 2008 ), you were an adult.

The next time I went to the centre, you were alone, and Fricky had been PTS because she had dental issues. You had someone who was interested in adopting you to bond with their lady bunny, so we went through that adoption process and you were rehomed. The gentleman who had adopted you contacted me and you and his bunny were not bonding, but it was more than that, he was looking at you as the 'bad' rabbit because you weren't getting on with his friend. Actually, you were equally struggling with each other. Your accommodation was not what it was said to be either.

Meanwhile... I had adopted a lovely lady girl to a family, to bond with their lonely and recently bereaved boy. They were lovely and asked about you, said they had seen you in the centre and wondered what had happened to you. They mentioned they were thinking about adopting you too. This made my mind start to tick.

Coming back to you, after some conversations and too-ing and fro-ing, my dad and I went to see you in your new home, with the other bunny, and did some bonding, and it was clear that it wasn't going to work and, I fought hard for you boy, you came back with me that day.

I told the RSPCA that it wasn't in your best interests and so you came home, as my first foster bunny. You fitted in and loved the joys of life in a home, where you were loved for you.

My cunning plan went all to plan, and, after a vet check, the lovely family a, still wanted to adopt you, and b, were allowed!

I only had you for a short amount of time, maybe a week? But we had a fabulous time.



Then I took you to your new home, where you lived inside, in early July 2008.
You first lived as a single bunny, until total tragedy led to another former RSPCA lady bunny needing a home. I knew your new family were looking for a wife for you, so they were my first port of call, and Floppy came straight to yours in August 2008. They gave you and her some time to bond and, after a couple of months, you guys were together and so happy.
You were besotted by each other, and lovely your life indoors. You were totally pampered bunnies.




Do you remember? I caused a little drama between the two of you. I gave you cuddles, Floppy got all pissy at me, flew at you and broke her leg badly. That was a bad day, but you stayed together, and she healed, and then, sadly, she got ill with dental abscesses. You were her friend right to the end, and she was PTS in June 2010.

You were on your own again then, but you were indoors, and I knew you'd be fine and loved and looked after, and, fate once again came your way, in the shape of a stray rabbit that came through the vets. Fleur was to be your new wife. You guys bonded a lot quicker and easier, and were happily married in early 2011, but, again, I have no photos of you both.

You had many years of happiness together, and that's something you both deserved. I think you kept your family on their toes, with occasional bouts of gas, but you loved your nose rubs, you loved your human, you both loved life.

At the start of this year, Fleur fell ill and so sadly died, and once again, you were with a bunny friend, but you had a close bond with your human. You were her best friend, and she yours. You lived in the living room, right in the middle, ruled the roost, and it was perfect.

You had everything you ever needed.

At the end of August you fell ill. We're not sure with what, but your human did everything she could for you. Her heart was breaking, but she loved you endlessly, and always put you first. After 5 days of fighting tooth and nail for you, your poor body said you'd had enough, and she heard that.

We took you to the vets, and I had the privilege of holding and cradling you as you left this world.

You've gone to find Fricky, and Floppy and Fleur. You'll have a right little Harem up there! (I totally just noticed that all your lady friends had names starting with 'F'). You might even have found Minnie, and Toffee and Nuggett, and Minstrel's sister and be comparing notes. The bond your human had with you though, was so strong, that it was so different from the bond she had with those, even Minnie.

She's heartbroken and misses you beyond belief. I know you know that, you can't not.

Harley, I think, bar one other bunny, you're my only successful foster. Everyone else was let down in ways they shouldn't be, but you, I know that you were deeply loved every single day, that you had the very best that you could be given, and that you were happy. What more could a bunny want.

We don't know how old you are, but you had been at the RSPCA for a while when I met you, so you were likely to have been at least 10 and a half when we lost you, but you could have been older. What I do know is that for the last 9 years you have been doted on and adored, surrounded by ladies (bunny and human) who loved you endlessly.

You're a lucky chap mate. You got everything you ever wanted.

I love you and I hope that you're peaceful, and enjoying your time with all your bunny lady friends.

Look in on your human every now and then.

All my love.




Harley- 2006/7 - 26-08-2017
A wonderful, heartfelt tribute to a Bunny who was and always will be very much loved. I am sure that Harley will always be watching over MPHF , his physical being may have left this world but his spirit (for the want of a better word) will never die.

Binky Free Harley xx
What beautiful tribute for a beautiful boy. I hope he has found his friends. My heart goes out to his poor human who has lost her friend. Goodnight beautiful Harley x
That is so sad. :cry:. Please send my condolences to Harley's owner and of course to you.

A lovely tribute, heartbreaking they have to leave.
What a beautiful tribute :love: binky free Harley xx
Thinking of you and the family he has left behind xx
I am very sorry :cry: Harley was a special, stunning rabbit. Sending lots of love and hugs to MPHF.
Thank you Sky-0. I will write more when I can.
Harley has visited me but I do miss him so much.
Bbinky free Harley boy and thank you for coming into my life.
The tears are still flowing and you are always in my thoughts. I miss you so much but have some wonderful memories and stories I keep thinking of.
I hope you are having fun, I even saw a place yesterday that I thought looked how rainbow bridge would look, it was a beautiful meadow with so many wild rabbits on. It made me cry and smile.
Forever with me in my heart, love you Harley boy
Another year without you Harley boy��
Lots of tears this morning.
I will never forget you. Wish I had more time with you. There will never be another bun like you.
I miss your kisses. As you know I only have Minstrel left now and he is now in his 13th year.
Always in my heart Harley boy. Love and miss you every single day xxxx
Another year without you Harley boy��
Lots of tears this morning.
I will never forget you. Wish I had more time with you. There will never be another bun like you.
I miss your kisses. As you know I only have Minstrel left now and he is now in his 13th year.
Always in my heart Harley boy. Love and miss you every single day xxxx

((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))) xx