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guess who's back in the house - update

Yup - the little angels kept me up til 05:00 this am ..... and it is now 00:40 and I am about to head to bed - I'm leaving them downstairs so that I can still hear any thumping etc but hopefully every hop and lick of the water bottle won't keep me awake!! :roll: They seem pretty settled now so I'm nervously hopeful this time! :)
Looking good :) Sending lots of happy bonding vibes ... tho saving a few for myself cos Monty is meeting Lea & Dan's Molly later ... x
They're back home from chloes. currently shacked up in the porch which is the only really neutral space in the house (it's a big porch - about the size of a double bed). let them stretch their legs a bit and they had a bit of a hop around, although sectioned off the space so it isn't quite big enough for the bigger bunnies to do a full tilt run (not that brave yet).

Sooty chinned everything, including me & pandas head. Panda took this in very good grace I thought. No scraps yet although I thought something might kick off when panda was periscoping and sooty put his head under pandas bum, knocking the poor bun over :lol::lol:
Keeping everything crossed for Panda, and am keeping my Mom and Dad updated with his progress cos I sponsored him for them as a Christmas pressie!

Be a good boy now Panda!
well I had an interesting night. Bunnies kicked off at 12:00, lucy spent the night sleeping next to the crete to tell them to KEEP THE NOISE DOWN when they got shirty with each other.
well I had an interesting night. Bunnies kicked off at 12:00, lucy spent the night sleeping next to the crete to tell them to KEEP THE NOISE DOWN when they got shirty with each other.

Did they listen to you? I got blatantly ignored ..... :roll:
well to be honest I was probably snoring so bad they probably though there was a monster outside the crete waiting to eat them all up.

Just waiting for Brian to come and collect Blitzen & honey (bonding went well), clear out the litter trays & then it's time to bite the bullet & let fierce four out to stretch their legs again.
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