Hi everyone, I'm a new member and not even sure if will ever have a rabbit again, but over the years have used this site for advice and help whenever our gorgeous boy was poorly or not himself. He was 11 years old, we had him from the age of 3 as he was in a playschool but was a bit neglected and not handled the best so we took him in. I never thought a rabbit could bring so much joy. What a personality, he would watch TV with us, investigate things be a little terror sometimes but the most caring and soft rabbit you could ever meet. Unfortunately over the years he had a few illnesses, suffered with gut stasis most years when he was moulting but we got him through everything. Lately he had stopped using his litter tray, he was slow at getting around and we just felt his quality of life had deteriorated, then just this week he had a horrible thing where he couldn't stop his head from turning left. Constantly just kept turning, we felt so sorry for him so put his favourite Teddy next to his head and that stopped it turning. I've made this story a lot shorter than it could have been but we took the awful decision that the kindest thing to do was to have him pts. The feeling of sadness is just unbearable, it all went so lovely in that the sun was shining we had cuddles all morning and he ate as much of his treats as he could, he actually stopped eating them out of choice which was a first. This was all yesterday and I hate going into the kitchen where his cage was where he slept at night, there is just an empty space there. I feel we have made the right decision but the feelings of sadness and guilt say otherwise. It honestly feels or seems to feel harder than when have lost a human that I know. I know that sounds not right but when you spend so much time with your beloved pet everyday and tend to their needs I think you can feel like this. Anyway thanks for reading and selfishly it feels better to have written some of it down.