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Gaining trust?


Warren Scout

My Dylan HATES being picked up, i haven't been able to pick him up for months now out of fear of him getting hurt. I worry that if i need to pick him up for any reason i wont be able to so i want to work on this with him. We have a great bond, if i start trying to pick him up again will he fall out with me? :lol: I have been reading about gaining his trust and confidence with this by giving him treats, do i pick him up then once back on the floor again give him the treat as a reward? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :wave:
Hello, :wave:

I had the same dilemma with my bunnies as they are new to me (5 weeks) and hadnt been handled much before they were taken in by the rehoming centre.

I wasnt sure whether to carry on building their trust or whether to persevere with picking them up.

I've just put a post on after yours in this section to say that Star finally let me pick her up yesterday for the first time.

So I am in no position to give you any advice - other than to say hang in there, it will happen sooner or later. :)

I found that I would see what mood they were in and if they let me put my hand under their tum then I would try to put the other one under their bum to see if I could do it without them running off - that way, the ball was in their court as to whether or not they let me pick them up. Usually they wouldnt like it and run off or wriggle away so I wouldnt pursue it. Thats why it amazed me yesterday with Star.

Good luck :)
Hello, :wave:

I had the same dilemma with my bunnies as they are new to me (5 weeks) and hadnt been handled much before they were taken in by the rehoming centre.

I wasnt sure whether to carry on building their trust or whether to persevere with picking them up.

I've just put a post on after yours in this section to say that Star finally let me pick her up yesterday for the first time.

So I am in no position to give you any advice - other than to say hang in there, it will happen sooner or later. :)

I found that I would see what mood they were in and if they let me put my hand under their tum then I would try to put the other one under their bum to see if I could do it without them running off - that way, the ball was in their court as to whether or not they let me pick them up. Usually they wouldnt like it and run off or wriggle away so I wouldnt pursue it. Thats why it amazed me yesterday with Star.

Good luck :)

Thank you for such a positive response and a great tip, i am going to try that and see how we get on. Congratulations on your achievement with Star to, i cant see Dylan and me ever getting to that stage but i will try my very best :D:love: