Frosty and Fern enjoying their towers


Staff member
When I first gave them the towers (previously known as Frosty towers and owned by Frosty when he was a single bunny) they slept in one each like this


Now they have realised there’s enough room for two to cuddle in a pod :love:


Sometimes they like to cuddle together on top :love:


They seem very happy together, and often make me laugh :lol: Fern was eating hay out of Frosty’s mouth yesterday :lol:
Love ‘em! :love:
I never thought of using those - brilliant.

I got it from eBay when I realised Frosty was an acrobatic bunny :lol: :love: somebody had bought it for their kittens who refused to go near it :lol: there was another platform higher up but I removed that as I think these pods are high enough :thumb:
When I first gave them the towers (previously known as Frosty towers and owned by Frosty when he was a single bunny) they slept in one each like this


Now they have realised there’s enough room for two to cuddle in a pod :love:


Sometimes they like to cuddle together on top :love:


They seem very happy together, and often make me laugh :lol: Fern was eating hay out of Frosty’s mouth yesterday :lol:

That works so well for them - they can choose to be together or have a bit of space.
Just ideal - well done for finding it!

Now of course we will all want one :lol:
Glad you like :wave: I’ve bored all my non rabbit loving relatives by showing them the photos and looking on bunnycam :lol: