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Alpha Buck
Hi all,
Just looking for a bit of advice....
I have just bought a flat (well, once the mortgage goes through!)
I am hoping to have the buns free ranging full time eventually, at the moment they have a large pen which they stay in during work time and bed time and then free range the rest of the time.
I thought when I moved into the flat initially I would keep the cage and keep the same arrangement until they got used to their new home, then I would like to get rid of the cage completely (as the flat isn't huge and don't want a huge cage taking up lots of space)
How do you guys deal with not having a cage? (If you do?) I could potentially buy a dog crate and leave it open at all times just for a 'base' (as its slightly smaller than the pen I have now)

Thanks :)
Mine don't have a cage, they have litter trays, and one hidey hole they love, plus another hidey hole and a dog bed they completely ignore...
For indoor bunnies, they should be fine with a litter tray and somewhere to escape to if they get scared (doesn't have to be a big cage - a cardboard box with a hole in would do :lol:, or you could use their carrier with a towel over the top etc). As long as your flat is 'bunny-proofed' so they don't have the opportunity to destroy your stuff and do themselves harm, they would be fine with no cage as such :)
Thankyou for the replies. Yes the flat would be completely bunny proofed. (its a good job the house builder is giving me free carpets as I don't think they will last long!)
A hidey hole would be much better than having a cage in the flat I think :thumb:
Harvey has a litter tray food and water bowls in the kitchen/dinning room where he is when im out then in the livingroom he has another tray and has the whole of the downstairs when im home, his bolt hole is under the kitchen table or behind the sofa
Stu has a giant dog crate because i think he should have bedroom to.
The door is new shut but that's his own private space.
Plus this contains his on-suite