Fleece use in winter.

Not sure this in the right place, sorry if not.

My 3 girls are in this (photo of hutch) which I have DIYed an outside run around the paved area and used a wooden bunny/cat outdoor box and a wooden bunny house side by side as steps to jump in and out ... which they manage no problem!
However they are rapidly growing and with this awful weather I cant let them out in their run and I'm worried its not gonna be big enough long term.
Its 6 foot long and they have an added 6 foot by 4 foot when out in their run.
Also, now they're learning to use the litter tray, is it safe to use fleece/washing up drying pads on the bottom floor of the hutch in the winter instead of sawdust and just use lots of straw in their bed area?
They didn't have litter trays when I rescued them so are used to peeing on sawdust!
Phew that's a lot, sorry!

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Not sure this in the right place, sorry if not.

My 3 girls are in this (photo of hutch) which I have DIYed an outside run around the paved area and used a wooden bunny/cat outdoor box and a wooden bunny house side by side as steps to jump in and out ... which they manage no problem!
However they are rapidly growing and with this awful weather I cant let them out in their run and I'm worried its not gonna be big enough long term.
Its 6 foot long and they have an added 6 foot by 4 foot when out in their run.
Also, now they're learning to use the litter tray, is it safe to use fleece/washing up drying pads on the bottom floor of the hutch in the winter instead of sawdust and just use lots of straw in their bed area?
They didn't have litter trays when I rescued them so are used to peeing on sawdust!
Phew that's a lot, sorry!

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I am sorry but that hutch is far too small for one Rabbit to be shut up in , let alone three. You will get an idea of appropriate outdoor housing set ups for Rabbits here


Sawdust is not a suitable substrate to use in Rabbit accommodation . Fitch bedding or something similar is more suitable

Fleece is OK to use as long as the Rabbits are not chewers. Ingesting fleece could cause a GI tract obstruction .

I am sorry but that hutch is far too small for one Rabbit to be shut up in , let alone three. You will get an idea of appropriate outdoor housing set ups for Rabbits here


Sawdust is not a suitable substrate to use in Rabbit accommodation . Fitch bedding or something similar is more suitable

Fleece is OK to use as long as the Rabbits are not chewers. Ingesting fleece could cause a GI tract obstruction .
Thank you for your reply.

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As you have realised, the set-up isn't large enough for the bunnies. Is it possible that you could erect a shed or large playhouse in the same area to house the bunnies? Sheds are very practical to keep clean and would allow you to sit in with them sometimes. They are also good for keeping rabbits warm, dry and wind-proof. As time and finances allow, you could then construct a run, which they could access via a cat-flap from the shed.
I agree with the advice given. They do need a lot of space. Rwaf guidelines are useful as IM has linked.
If they are still growing, do you know which sex they are as it could result in them fighting or mating then you would need to separate them. 14 weeks is the upper limit they can be together, if mixed sex; also boys usually start to fight at this age (Puberty). I have always used newspaper on the floor and newspaper and hay in the litter tray as Rabbits like to eat while they toilet. Do have a look over on the Rabbit Welfare Association's website for good advice.