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E.cuniculi.... what is the best treatment?


Warren Scout
Hi everyone. I was just wondering what people who have had E.Cuniculi bunnies have found to be the best treatment in controlling the disease?

I have read up that baytril is apparently the best thing in helping rabbits but also that the combination of panacur AND baytril is apparently very effective. Is this true?

I am asking because I think one of my rabbits could have E.Cuniculi. I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow to be checked but she's been a little off her hay yet still eating pellets and veg. And I thougt I saw her tilting her head slightly for a prolonged amount of time which is out of character for her.

So if I take her to the vets tomorrow I want to have knowledge I can discuss with the vet to make sure she gets the best treatment if she does have E.cuniculi.
What Jane said.

The lapizole/panacur is a must for EC, as is metacam to control any inflammation (it is the inflammation that brings on the symptoms such as head tilt, loss of balance, paralysis)

Head tilt can also be caused by an inner ear infection, it's worth getting the vet to rule this out also, as if it is an ear infection it'll need the correct antibiotics that are effective against the bacteria causing the infection.

Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between EC and ear infections without certain tests so some vets treat for both to be safe.

Please ask me if you have any questions. I have nursed a very poorly rabbit back to health with EC this year.
As Jane said my Evan was treated with 28 day lapizole and metacam although as previously stated ear disease can mimic e cuniculi so needs to be ruled out I had 2 bunnies present with exactly the same symptoms one had middle ear abscess and one had e cuniculi
Good luck at the vets
How do buns get EC? My buns are indoor, with access to enclosed yard on warm days. There are no birds, cats etc for them to get into contact with. I change their trays every two days.

Are they at risk? :roll:
Baytril will not treat EC, Baytril is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infection. EC is not a bacterial infection it is a protozoal parasite

The medication usually prescribed in cases of EC are Fenbendazole (Panacur/Lapizole), Metacam and if a *secondary* bacterial infection is suspected then an antibiotic such as Baytril.

Useful info about EC here


Ah see my rabbit Buffy died earlier this year in May. I took her to the vets as she had a head tilt and got told she had an inner ear infection which was easily treatable and not to worry it is EC. But just 4 days later she died. I took her back the Monday morning and a different vet (couldn't get the same due to rota the vets work) and he told me her eye on the side of the head tilt may need to be removed but that it definitely was only an ear infection. However when she died I just thought... I know it was EC. The head tilt I know can be symptoms of other things but she had been a bit off her pellets and hay since the Thursday I took her right until she died and she had eyes that I can only describe as "ill eyes" so I knew something else was wrong when a few days passed with the medication for "ear infection" and no change. Buffy was given baytril but when I suggested giving panacur as well the vet said not to as it was an ear infection and she knows because her rabbit had just had the same thing. What you just said explains why giving Buffy baytril didn't work. It makes sense now. So panacur may have helped her. But I do believe that it may have been too late to help her anyway as she didn't seem to respond to anything the vets gave.

As Jane said my Evan was treated with 28 day lapizole and metacam although as previously stated ear disease can mimic e cuniculi so needs to be ruled out I had 2 bunnies present with exactly the same symptoms one had middle ear abscess and one had e cuniculi
Good luck at the vets

Yeah I have given Roxxy some panacur before putting them in the run. And another thing I thought of Fuzzy who has a dental problem with his molar teeth and is still alive coming up for 2.5 years from when the problem was first diagnosed (even the vets are surprised) is on metacam everyday and reading that metacam can help with E.cuniculi is making me think well that is why he hasn't been affected. It is possible Roxxy may just have an ear infection but with what happened with Buffy and them getting it wrong I am a bit more cautious. Well I will take her to the vets tomorrow and find out. She has been given panacur and is still eating. I am unsure if she is drinking on her own as I have not seen her, I usually do during the day but I have been giving wet celery and she's been eating that. The problem with three siblings in together also means you cannot know who drank how much when changings the water bottles. So I may bring her in and syringe some water a little later. I hope the panacur helps though. I just have a strong feeling it is E.cuniculi.
How do buns get EC? My buns are indoor, with access to enclosed yard on warm days. There are no birds, cats etc for them to get into contact with. I change their trays every two days.

Are they at risk? :roll:

EC spores are shed in urine. If a rabbit comes into contact with urine infected with EC (for example eating some hay that has been urinated on by an infected rabbit) then they will be infected.
EC can also be passed on to baby rabbits from the mother whilst still in the womb if the mother is infected.

Many rabbits can go through life without showing signs of EC and you will never know they have it but some unlucky ones will show the symptoms which can vary from mild to severe. It's thought up to 50% of rabbits are infected (from what I've read in my research)
If a rabbit is under the weather, or has a lowered immune system for some reason, it can cause the EC to become active and begin to show symptoms.
Thanks Bex - should I give panacure as a preventative measure?

Well I have been told by my vets that giving panacur when the rabbit doesn't need it can be a bad thing as the rabbit gets used to the medicine and when you finish giving the panacur course the very next day the rabbit can get e.cuniculi. So my vets told me that the best thing is to only use panacur if the rabbit shows symptoms of e.cuniculi.

However it is up to you if you want to give the panacur or not. I personally tend to agree with what my vets told me and so haven't given panacur to any of the rabbits. I have read that almost all pet rabbits and I think it was definitely more than 50% more like 75-80% have been exposed to e.cuniculi. Wild rabbits tested apparently tested negative for e.cuniculi 100% I think.

Ok update on Roxxy. I definitely will be taking her to the vets tomorrow morning. She seems a little better but not quite right. This is what I don't get she is still eating pellets and veg but not as much hay as normal. She has never had dental issues. Her behaviour is a little off, she is the curious one of the bunch and always nosey but the last few days she has not been quite herself. She cam running for the pellets and then again a little later for celery I gave them so I thought she was getting better but then a few hours ago when I first started this thread is when she was tilting her head slightly. I gave her panacur and then put her in the run with Fuzzy and Harmony. She did move around a little in the run but then sat down in the usual place the three gather after they are done with eating the hay and moving around. When checking on her a few minutes ago she was in the bed area but the slight head tilt didn't seem to be there and she was a little more nosey and actually moved from the back of the hutch to the front towards me.

Do you think it'll be alright to leave taking her to the vets until tomorrow? I will be checking on her regularly.
Ok so this morning Roxxy came running over with Harmony and Fuzzy. She is still not quite herself but she ate the pellets I put in and the celery I gave them a few hours later. I have also seen her eating hay, not much but some. She also has definitely done poop. I went to check on her before putting them all in the run while I do the full hutch clean and she got up and left a few so I know she is eating and pooping alright. I have not seen her drinking but the celery I gave I made sure was wet so I know she has gotten fluid in her. I believe she has done wee because when I picked her up she wasn't hard underneath and hasn't been straining. There is no sign of any urine scald underneath and the slight head tilt appears to have gone. She still seems a little off but the rest of the family said as she is eating and everything alright then wait until tomorrow morning. If she didn't eat anything or was not moving at all then I definitely would've taken her to the vets this morning.

I will definitely be keeping an eye on her throughout the day. If she stops eating etc then I will have to find the nearest out of ours vet as our vet surgery is closed now.
Hi :wave:
I can't give you any E.cuniculi advice, but I hope she continues to improve :)

Well I am not 100% sure Roxxy has E.cuniculi. I just know she isn't quite herself. She has been like this before but it was different. A little later she was back to her normal nosey self. Roxxy was alright in the run. Not normal but not really poorly. I am checking on her a lot. Just now she was in the bed area but I think it is because it has gotten cold. Fuzzy was in the bed area too just sitting. Oh and they have been known to do this when I do full clean. It is like they stay there for a while before then all gathering in the main area of the hutch.

A vet trip tomorrow morning will definitely go ahead because there is definitely something not right. I want my nosey rabbit back. I don't recall mentioning but we gave Roxxy a second dose of panacur today. She has been eating some hay too. See this is what is odd, it is the hay she is going off but nothing else and because both of her brothers and her dad have had dental issues I am starting to wonder if she has something going on with her molars. It would make sense with the hay and the vets have said that tooth issue rabbits tend to find eating hay difficult. Well I will hopefully know tomorrow morning what is up.
Ok update on Roxxy... Took her to the vets as she was still not quite herself. The vets have found she has some spurs on some back teeth and there is an abcess on the left side of her mouth. She said that Roxxy will have to have GA for them to file her teeth and then while she is there they will find out more about the abcess. I was dreading this to be honest. Her two brothers have already been diagnosed with molar root issues, Frosty had it really bad and passed away 4 months after diagnosis 2 years ago. Fuzzy is still alive 2.5 years after diagnosis, both boys had abcesses found on the left side of their jaw at the same time so I am thinking the vets will confirm this when they put her under GA tomorrow morning.
My Dexter was on a combination of Baytril, Panacur & Metacam when he had EC. He recovered the first attack, but do be aware it can reoccur and the second attack was more than he could fight :cry:

Here is our story:

I am not an EC expert, but after Dexy, I read whatever I can on it, and will always do my best to help someone with an EC bunny. I couldn't save Dex in the end, but I might be able to help someone save their bunny.
My vet will treat headtilt as follows:

Panacur and metacam in case its EC.

Baytril incase its an ear infection.
Not EC as i suspected...

Ok update on Roxxy... Took her to the vets as she was still not quite herself. The vets have found she has some spurs on some back teeth and there is an abcess on the left side of her mouth. She said that Roxxy will have to have GA for them to file her teeth and then while she is there they will find out more about the abcess. I was dreading this to be honest. Her two brothers have already been diagnosed with molar root issues, Frosty had it really bad and passed away 4 months after diagnosis 2 years ago. Fuzzy is still alive 2.5 years after diagnosis, both boys had abcesses found on the left side of their jaw at the same time so I am thinking the vets will confirm this when they put her under GA tomorrow morning.

Ok so after taking her to the vets on Tuesday morning to be put under GA etc. The vets said that there are no tooth root issues and it is not EC. What was causing the tilt was the abcess as it is obviously painful. However the abcess was easily lanced because for some reason the stuff inside wasn't thick but liquidy so they could drain it easily.

Ok so she were able to bring her home. She has to have 1.6 ml baytril and she has to be checked again on Monday. The thing I have noticed is she is not eating the hay much, which is understandable at the moment as the wound where the abcess is must still hurt. She is also not wanting to eat the pellets and she was doing this before being under the GA with the abcess so I am finding that odd. She nibbles at celery and carrot and today I put in some banana which she nibbled some of. She is eating celery leaves but I am concerned she isn't eating much because I thought the vets would not let her home if she wasn't eating. Also she did poop but underneath when we checked her it was all sticky (not diarrhea just dark and sticky) when I tried to wipe it off it stuck in to her fur. I got most of it off but am worried about her not eating. I know she has been under GA but that was Tuesday afternoon so surely she should have recovered from that by now.
Did the vet give you pain medication for her? A rabbit in pain won't usually eat. You may also need some recovery food to syringe feed her with if she isn't eating enough. Maybe give your vet a call.

ETA: Sorry, just saw your other thread.
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