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Do rabbits remember?

I too think it depends on the situation.

I think like us they maybe remember sights and smells etc. So if you have been away from them for a while they would still recognise your smell or your voice.

I'm sure mine recognise my voice and even the sound of my walk (ok sounds silly). My parents can walk past them several times and they not move a muscle but I walk past and they come running to meet me. I think they recognised me when i came back off holiday too. But whether they would remember after a long period of time I don't know.

Mine definitely know the sound of the bin where their food is kept and the noise of the tub that holds veggies.
I'm not sure how long they remember people for, I guess it depends on the bunny. I think they remember bad experiences though. Doughnut went halfway up my stairs over 2 years ago and couldn't come down. I got her carrier and she jumped in and I brought her down. She has never jumped up even one stair since. When I go up she waits at the bottom for me!
I don't know. I got Slipper in December 2011 but after I split with my ex in July 2012, I didn't see him for a year as I was in a teeny tiny flat and had no room for him. Then I moved into this house and got Slipper back in July 2013. I thought he'd remember me, but he seemed unsettled and didn't eat his dinner that evening which is most unlike Slipper! So maybe he didn't :( I'd missed him and hoped he'd remembered me, but evidentally not :(

He probably did remember you but was just sulking to teach you a lesson!