Available Individual: Diesel ,lonely black male bunny:(

I really hope something will come up for him. Have you tried posting him on rabbit rehome http://www.rabbitrehome.org.uk
Also I would ask around at rescues in case they know of anyone locally wanting a rabbit like him, also at any vets nearby.
Yes i have him on a few rescue sites . Tameside rescue said they can actually take him at the weekend now but i would rather he went to a home if he can x
Oh I do hope you find somewhere for your stunning boy. What a shame the uri rabbit didnt work out.
Thank You Zoobec & Omi. I feel a real connection to him:love: We're super excited & can't wait to meet him xx
Brilliant news! Do you need any help with transport?

Thank You. Diesels mum has offered to bring him over - I guess she'd like to settle him in & see him new home, meet his future wifes & husbun.

But if you are at a loose end over the next few weeks feel free to come & meet the Trawden warren
Boobly bear & friends have invited Diesel to share their home & delighted that he has said yes :love:

I’m so pleased. I love this handsome bunny and hope he will be very happy. I was so close to wondering if I could manage another bunny yet but I’m so pleased for you. :)

I know how difficult it must be for his current bunny mum though. :cry:
Best news ever! I'm super excited to see him in the gang. Happy times!

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Thank You. Diesels mum has offered to bring him over - I guess she'd like to settle him in & see him new home, meet his future wifes & husbun.

But if you are at a loose end over the next few weeks feel free to come & meet the Trawden warren

Only just seen this - fantastic news!

I really hope it all works out :love:
thanks so much for all you lovely positive comments everyone. I think he'll fit in perfectly xx

How long would you expect it to take an outside bunny to acclimatise to inside temperatures? Our house isn't roasting hot, theres lots of draughts & the thermostat set to 18-19. I plan to let Diesel find his feet in the kitchen diner which will be easy enough to make cool. Obviously watching how he is coping will be the best clue. Mouseypie was an outdoor bun but different as we got her in May
thanks so much for all you lovely positive comments everyone. I think he'll fit in perfectly xx

How long would you expect it to take an outside bunny to acclimatise to inside temperatures? Our house isn't roasting hot, theres lots of draughts & the thermostat set to 18-19. I plan to let Diesel find his feet in the kitchen diner which will be easy enough to make cool. Obviously watching how he is coping will be the best clue. Mouseypie was an outdoor bun but different as we got her in May
Oh I'm so pleased he's coming to live with you and the gang! He's going to have the best home a bunny can ask for. Madame Boo's going to be thrilled at having another bun to boss around!

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thanks so much for all you lovely positive comments everyone. I think he'll fit in perfectly xx

How long would you expect it to take an outside bunny to acclimatise to inside temperatures? Our house isn't roasting hot, theres lots of draughts & the thermostat set to 18-19. I plan to let Diesel find his feet in the kitchen diner which will be easy enough to make cool. Obviously watching how he is coping will be the best clue. Mouseypie was an outdoor bun but different as we got her in May

Fern was an outdoor bunny, in a hutch inside a shed at the rescue. When she came to me I did d the bonding in a room with the radiator switched off in there, so that it wasn’t too much of a shock to the system for either of them. They both seemed fine with the temperature, I keep the bunny room radiator switched a bit lower than the other rooms in the house anyway. They moved back in the bunny room after about a week or so I think. She hasn’t moulted and seems very at home with the temperature :thumb:
I'm really excited. I am deciding what new trawden product he will be the embassador of. I can't wait to see boobs face

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I'm beside myself with excitement - nerves haven't kicked in yet. Glad Fern adjusted fine Zoobec.

Aren't they gonna look awesome together, a mixed quad of black, white, black & white & agouti. Similar weights & very different sizes :love:

Boo isn't necessairily going to be bossy - she was a pussycat bonding to Joe. i'll have a chat with Diesel when he arrives about standing his ground with her.

I'm really interested to see how it goes. Mousey has been having regular joint support tablets & massages so she can manage a welcome hump if she needs to