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Dermot-Acutely Ill :-( U/D 2000hrs- UNBELIEVABLE !! - PICS

I have just spoken with Christabel. We have agreed that if Dermot has not responded to his meds by first thing tomorrow morning he will be helped to The Bridge :cry:

Janex :cry:
Oh Jane, I`m so sorry Dermot is so poorly:(

Here`s sending loads of vibes that he will respond to treatment soon............
Oh Jane, I'm so sorry. :cry: Sending loads of healing vibes Dermot's way and some hugs for you too.

awww come on Dermot, i hope you can get better for your mummy. Lola is sending you loads of feel better soon vibes.

hugs for you Jane x
Thanks everyone

I have known for some time that Dermot has a terminal illness, but it doesn't make it any easier :cry: He is only about 2.5 years of age and really should have many more years with us :cry: But I know that isn't going to happen :cry::cry:

Poor Lara, she has already lost 3 previous husbuns and it looks like she is about to loose the fourth


Dermot is now responding to treatment !! :shock: I cant believe it, he has even started to eat :shock: :)

How the heck can I have him PTS at this stage, I KNOW he has a terminal condition, but on the days he is 'well' he is soooooooooooooo happy.
I have never had such a struggle with deciding on when enough is enough.
Christabel will definately tell me if she thinks I should let Dermot go and I will of course go with her professional judgement.

Can someone please remind me why I got involved with the world of Bunnies...........:? :rolleyes:

Glad to hear Dermot is improving again (blimey that bun has 9 lives), I was only thinking about him yesterday.

I have to admit I dont like to read his threads, painful memories and all, but as long as they keep having happy endings I can just about manage it to send him some (((vibes))).