Mama Doe
The victims and their families are soon forgotten and we focus on the poor criminals and feel sorry for them because they were abused or whatever and that made them do it
I said I wasn't going to comment, but decided to after all...:lol:
I don't think you can presume that just because people don't agree with 'state killing' that they feel sympathy for the perpetrators of vile crimes. I don't 'feel sorry' for any 'poor criminals', and I feel deeply for those who have been victims; but I think that morally, making the choice to kill another is wrong. You can't on one hand say 'killing is wrong' and then sanction killing. I'm not that forgiving though, and not quite the soft liberal that I might have appeared on the other thread - I would want that person to suffer the correct emotions, knowing about their crime each and everyday and the misery they had caused. I would want them to feel remorse and know they had lost their liberty because of the pain they had caused and the awful things they had done. I'd want them to work in 'some way' to make amends to society for their actions - hard labour would do for starters. I know for many people, no amount of 'making amends' could ever be enough for their loses, but I just can't morally cope with the 'you took a life, therefore you have your life taken'.
An analogy is that - I told my daughter all through her young childhood that people hitting other people was wrong, so therefore I did not smack her, as by using physical violence against someone myself, I was instantly being hypocritical.