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Cookie's anger


Warren Veteran
Today I saw Cookie's incredible anger. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I was drinking a strawberry and banana smoothie. Of course cookie came running, got on top of me, climbed up to my shoulder. Of course I didn't give it to him and drank it myself and finished it. When I finished the smoothie, Cookie got very angry and walked away from me. Then he started looking at me from afar and then he threw/kicked his feet and ran. While he was kicking me, he ran towards the litter tray and peed there, standing in front of it and looking into my eyes. Then he walked away and slept. But I couldn't believe my eyes, he showed his anger at me by peeing in front of the litter tray and he did it by looking into my eyes. Look how I got treated for not sharing a smoothie πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
🀣lesson learnt I hope. If Cookie can't have bananas & strawberries then nor can you, he's made his feelings crystal clear🀣🀣
He thinks you were being the height of rude πŸ˜‚ how dare you eat fruit right in front of me and not share?!
🀣lesson learnt I hope. If Cookie can't have bananas & strawberries then nor can you, he's made his feelings crystal clear🀣🀣
He thinks you were being the height of rude πŸ˜‚ how dare you eat fruit right in front of me and not share?!
I swear I was scared of Cookie, you all should see what kind of revenge that was omg. I can't forget the way he first looked at me, then kicked the air, then turned to me, looked me in the eye and peed in front of the litter tray πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
As a bunny with little to no voice, Cookie is really yelling at you. πŸ˜¨πŸ˜…

I'm not up on your other thread but I'm guessing fruit is off limits atm. It's like me when I crack open a banana and Ebon is right there with the puppy dog eyes. πŸ₯Ή

Maybe you'll have to drink smoothies in the broom closet for awhile? πŸ˜„
As a bunny with little to no voice, Cookie is really yelling at you. πŸ˜¨πŸ˜…

I'm not up on your other thread but I'm guessing fruit is off limits atm. It's like me when I crack open a banana and Ebon is right there with the puppy dog eyes. πŸ₯Ή

Maybe you'll have to drink smoothies in the broom closet for awhile? πŸ˜„
Hahaha continuing to eat while Ebon is exploiting your emotions by looking at you like that... I understand you best πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Also I wish I had a broom cupboard, we even eat fruit secretly in the bedroom, now smoothies are included in this too πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Booboo does that sometimes and when Oreo isn't happy she will start digging the couch or bed and she will look at me before she does it and after she then looks at me again for a reaction.
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