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Colonel Colin :-( Updated 4th November

Really really hoping its not a tumour. I know it must be unbearable to cope with. :cry:

Sending the Colonel millions and millions of vibes. xxx
Continuing to send healing vibes and prayers your way Jane. I wish there were more I could do.
Hang in there, Colonel! xxxx
Only just seen this, I'm so sorry Jane :( keeping everything crossed for colonel Colin, and a big hug for you xx
To our surprise Colin is improving, we think the mass may be an enlarged lymph node. So we will continue treatment overnight and he will be reviewed again in the morning. He is still not a well Rabbit, but he will not be PTS tonight unless he deteriorates rapidly

Thank you for all the support xx
So glad to hear that the Colonel is still fighting - sending extra strong vibes for him and some (((hugs))) for you too xxx
So pleased Colin has improved and it may not be a tumour. Sending a million more vibes. I have such a soft spot for the Colonel.
I too have only just seen this, so was extremely pleased to see the recent update.

Sending millions of vibes that he continues to improve and a huge supporting, comforting hug for you.:love: