Dixie was taken to have her front teeth burred on Wednesday 24th January. After she came home she was more subdued than usual and then on Sunday stopped eating and also drinking. She was back at the vets first thing Monday and left there. They checked her teeth and found a spur on her back teeth that was cutting into her and had not been picked up the previous week. She was dehydrated and so they kept her in and carried out some tests. A blood test showed that there was kidney failure and possibly problems with liver function and I was told that she should be put to sleep. I told them that she was to given every chance to recover and she was kept at the vets to be rehydrated and treated with antibiotics. On Wednesday 31st the blood tests were repeated and although she was now rehydrated and eating small amounts the results showed a massive deterioration. I was told that there was no hope for her and that not putting her to sleep was only delaying the inevitable but she did not seem to be distressed or in pain and responded to me when I went to see her and so again I asked for her to be treated for another night. The next day there was still no apparent change and the vet said there was no point keeping her there and that I should take her home, I don't think that she was expected to survive for more than a day or two.
As soon as she was home she started to look more alert, she hopped around and started eating. Initially it was only by pushing all her treats in front of her but she quickly started eating chopped apple and chopped tomato and by last night and today progressed to nibbling hay, pellets and shredded cabbage.
She went back to the practice on Saturday for them to check her progress. They were surprised how well she seemed to be and gave her another injection to keep her hydrated.
I cannot understand how a rabbit that is so ill that it should be put to sleep can be so alert with no sign of discomfort and be eating and drinking almost normally. There seems to be a contradiction between what I am being told and the way that Dixie behaves and so have decided to take her to a practice specialising in rabbits for another opinion. I have to accept that the tests showed kidney failure but I am hoping it is not to the degree that I have been told. Does anyone have experience of rabbits with this problem?
As soon as she was home she started to look more alert, she hopped around and started eating. Initially it was only by pushing all her treats in front of her but she quickly started eating chopped apple and chopped tomato and by last night and today progressed to nibbling hay, pellets and shredded cabbage.
She went back to the practice on Saturday for them to check her progress. They were surprised how well she seemed to be and gave her another injection to keep her hydrated.
I cannot understand how a rabbit that is so ill that it should be put to sleep can be so alert with no sign of discomfort and be eating and drinking almost normally. There seems to be a contradiction between what I am being told and the way that Dixie behaves and so have decided to take her to a practice specialising in rabbits for another opinion. I have to accept that the tests showed kidney failure but I am hoping it is not to the degree that I have been told. Does anyone have experience of rabbits with this problem?