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Bunnies digging EVERYWHERE >.< help?


Alpha Buck
Hardly ever get time to go on here now :oops:

But I do need a bit of advice.

Since the weather has cleared up, I've decided to let the buns do a bit of free-ranging in the garden for a few hours each day, it's wonderful to see them binkying. However yesterday and today each time I've gone out to check on them, they've dug a rather large hole. My parents have said they won't be allowed to free-range if they keep this up, but I don't know what to do. I've put planks of wood down in their favourite places, but I can't 'bunny-proof' the entire perimeter of our garden (it's about 20ft square) and today I caught naughty mercedes with her head in a 6inch deep hole, I'd only left them for 30 mins. :roll:

I'm really not sure what to do, I can't really afford to do much, and I certainly can't put down chicken-wire along the edges etc. because of my dogs' paws. :?

I don't have a run (other than the built-in one which is on a patio) and I can't get one for a few good months, and frankly, my garden is pretty safe for my girls, except when they try to dig under the fence... and my house. :lol: So I don't want to reduce their space.

Has anyone got any ideas what I can do about them digging... everywhere, I know it's natural, but it's darn pesky too, especially as I've just ever-greened the lawn :lol:?

Oh, and I've tried dig-boxes, and they just use them as litter trays :roll:

Flipping bunnies eh? Who'd have them :lol:
Bunnies tend to go through phases and get obsessed with one thing for a bit, then give up. If there isn't that much space to dig, try building a wall of heavy things like stones or flowerpots, they find it very hard. You won't need to fence off much. Do you understand? It's hard to explain :|
Bunnies tend to go through phases and get obsessed with one thing for a bit, then give up. If there isn't that much space to dig, try building a wall of heavy things like stones or flowerpots, they find it very hard. You won't need to fence off much. Do you understand? It's hard to explain :|

They have the whole garden, which is grass right up to the fence, so they dig pretty much everywhere. Especially in the rose flowerbed behind their hutch, which is where they get under the house, I can't get to it because the hutch is so heavy, so I can't block it off, nor can I block that area, because it's an awkward position. I'm really stumped, I hope they'll grow out of it soon :? I don't want to have to leave them in their hutch all day, especially as it's such beautiful weather, and it saves me a job on cutting the grass :lol::lol::lol: