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Breeding possibilities - help needed please..

Rabbits hide pain very well, as they are a prey animal, it is their natural instinct. So unfortunately you may not realise she is, as they show only very subtle signs.

I have had this question ignored 3 times, i am unsure why:

Where in Essex are you?

about 1 1/2 hours from you.

My daughter has taken photo on her phone but we are unsure how to upload.
Can everyone calm down please!!!

This person obviously wants help or she wouldn't have come here, and we obviously want to help, but many people are going about it the wrong way and are gonna scare the OP off. In the interests of the rabbits can we please keep advice and comments constructive. I KNOW WE ALL CARE ABOUT THE RABBITS AND ITS VERY FRUSTRATING but keeping calm and being productive is in the interests of the rabbits :D
Can everyone calm down please!!!

This person obviously wants help or she wouldn't have come here, and we obviously want to help, but many people are going about it the wrong way and are gonna scare the OP off. In the interests of the rabbits can we please keep advice and comments constructive. I KNOW WE ALL CARE ABOUT THE RABBITS AND ITS VERY FRUSTRATING but keeping calm and being productive is in the interests of the rabbits :D

TBH I think the most constructive advice is to give the bun over, if you are unable to pay for unexpected vet bills.
TBH I think the most constructive advice is to give the bun over, if you are unable to pay for unexpected vet bills.

I completely agree, but can we go about it in a constructive way, maybe with offers of collecting the bun or simply by phrasing it in a friendly way, rather than acting like the OP is satan herself!!! (not aimed at you personally kerry!!)
Can everyone calm down please!!!

This person obviously wants help or she wouldn't have come here, and we obviously want to help, but many people are going about it the wrong way and are gonna scare the OP off. In the interests of the rabbits can we please keep advice and comments constructive. I KNOW WE ALL CARE ABOUT THE RABBITS AND ITS VERY FRUSTRATING but keeping calm and being productive is in the interests of the rabbits :D

Thankyou very much. This thread is scary. I understand you are all passionate bunny lovers and I WILL do whats best for her and the rest of my family and animals in the long run.
I am sorry this is such a hard situation for you as i am sure you did not expect this so early on in being a bunny owner.
However these things do unexpectedly happen. :(
The best thing you can do for her, is to get her treatment tomorrow, or let someone take her who can do this.
I have offered to take them in, dependant on your area, i could come and pick them up tonight.
about 1 1/2 hours from you.

You must be quite near me then :) What vets do you usually go to? Vets that are good with cats/dogs etc aren't necessarily much good with rabbits which is why I offered assistance earlier.

We do get quite a lot of hoax threads on here hence people do like to see their questions answered, otherwise it leads people to think that it's just another wind up, and that doesn't help any rabbits at all.

To be honest though, even with a photo, the response is still going to be the same, which is that she needs to see a vet as soon as possible!
Thankyou very much. This thread is scary. I understand you are all passionate bunny lovers and I WILL do whats best for her and the rest of my family and animals in the long run.

Then if you can't pay for her you should arrange to have her taken to Starlights rescue, put in black and white. We can't tell you what's wrong, a vet can, and if you can't pay then please give her over to someone who can or she is just going to suffer. And dispite your own personal experience with a bun, bunnies do normally get ill in some shape or form, like my bunny Joey has had to have quite a few dentals, Scooch and Daisy had a fungal infection and i had to pay for the treatment too. Insurance is always handy but since this is an illness beforehand you won't be able to insure the bun for this illness.
Thankyou very much. This thread is scary. I understand you are all passionate bunny lovers and I WILL do whats best for her and the rest of my family and animals in the long run.


Sorry you have found this thread scary.

Can I remind members to post constructive advice and to be aware of the tone you use in your posts.
What an awful situation to be in... :(

I'll give you my thoughts on the matter. I can completely understand where the OP is coming from. Even I, who love my pets and would not deprive them of medical attention, would think twice about taking on an animal that will potentially need veterinary treatment for life. That's not me being a 'bad' person, it's being a responsible owner because I could not afford an animal with pre-existing conditions. Dealing with thing that arise as a pet owner is one thing, but having an animal come to you already sick is another, so I can understand why the OP would not want to keep the bunny if potentially she thinks she may not be able to afford to.

That being said, I would initially take the rabbit for a health check. Something as simple as a tear duct flush does not mean that bunny will need them for the rest of her life. If you do not want to keep the bunny, then you would be very wise to accept Starlight's offer to take in the rabbit and she will get the treatment she deserves. The breeder does not sounds responsible so I would not like to think of her fate should she be returned there.

Everyone here has good intentions, but I feel that you may have scared someone off that probably just needs some guidance in a POLITE way.

Rabbits are expensive pets to own should you choose to look after them correctly i.e vaccination, healthchecks etc, but that doesn't mean they are going to cost the earth in endless vet bills... it's just something you have to be prepared for as you do with most animals.

I hope the little bunny is sorted out :)
I am in Chelmsford Essex, so if you *should* be close to me.
I am going to be blunt - sorry :oops:
If you are unwilling to take a bunny to the vet - then really I think you should reconsider getting an animal at all.
My vets are £20 for a rabbit consultation (excluding meds). Just the other day my oldie bun jabbed himself in the eye. This cost me £30, just for it to heal within 2 days! It was worth it, because I love him, and he is my responsibilty. I did all I could to ensure that he was comfortable and not in any pain.
Here is a link to my thread so you can see how inflammed his eye was:
(however it went down considerably since it was bathed so it may be something different, like blocked tearduct (as mentioned) conjunctivitus etc.
As she is young, it can probably be solved.
Please, what ever you do, DO NOT send the poor wee thing back to the breeder, it's most certainly a death sentence.

ETA - I may be able to be of some transport for the bunny soon.
It could be do with her teeth too.

Health checks at my vets are free.
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Aw, I just read this and my heart broke for this poor bunny :(

I'm really glad that you reached out for help and advice though :) That's a great thing.

There are many causes for a weepy eye, as you have been told. We can't diagnose, only speculate, and having a chronic condition is one of the worst case scenarios, which means it is unlikely.

I've had a bun have a tear duct flush and it cost £50 for the procedure and he's only had to have it once so far (he is two and he had it done in early May and has had no problems since). I have also had buns with conjunctivitis and that has only been in one eye, and not spread to any of my others. It really is an unknown as to what it could be because having something caught in there is also a possibility.

You don't sound, to be honest, that you're doing what is best for this bun, you sound like you're doing what is best for you.

You do sound like you didn't realise how high maintenance and costly rabbits can be, when they are well looked after, so I agree that maybe handing these two over, and then learning and researching might be the best way forward.

I completely agree with those who said the breeder is irresponsible. You trusted his judgement and took on a rabbit that did not look right. If you get any more animals in the future, only take on those with health checks (or, if buying from a private breeder then take the animals straight to the vet before home). He also has been breeding from bad breeding stock, so therefore, potentially any rabbit from his stock could have the same problems.

It is best for the rabbit to go to someone like Starlights, so that is a good place to start. Obviously, it is best for the rabbit to get vet care ASAP, but it sounds like you are not seeing that as an option, so getting her to some one who can get her that care is important.

Something else you may not be aware of is that potentially these two girls may fight as they mature and hit adolescence, so you may be faced by needing two places to house rabbits if they can't live together. Even though they are sisters, that is no guarantee they won't fight, because every rabbit has that capability, especially in puberty.

I'm really glad to know you have had a rethink on breeding :) That's great :)

I'm sorry you have been put in this situation, and I feel sorry for these buns and really hope you can make the best choice to give these rabbits the best chance at life (which is definitely not returning her to the breeder).

I live near Colchester and know a lot about the vets in Ipswich, so if you are in this vague area then feel free to PM me and I'll try and help in any way I can.
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I just read that through and that's really disjointed sorry, I just was writing as I was thinking.
I am in Chelmsford Essex, so if you *should* be close to me.
I am going to be blunt - sorry :oops:
If you are unwilling to take a bunny to the vet - then really I think you should reconsider getting an animal at all.
My vets are £20 for a rabbit consultation (excluding meds). Just the other day my oldie bun jabbed himself in the eye. This cost me £30, just for it to heal within 2 days! It was worth it, because I love him, and he is my responsibilty. I did all I could to ensure that he was comfortable and not in any pain.
Here is a link to my thread so you can see how inflammed his eye was:
[finding link]
(however it went down considerably since it was bathed so it may be something different, like blocked tearduct (as mentioned) conjunctivitus etc.
As she is young, it can probably be solved.
Please, what ever you do, DO NOT send the poor wee thing back to the breeder, it's most certainly a death sentence.

You are home!! :love: