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Bertie's hay choice

Ooops - Bertie's picture is huge, but at least he is not upside down. The new batch of his go to hay is very green and rich. He loves it but I don't think it is suitable to free feed when it is as rich. I tried mixing it with other hay but the wee rascal picks out the green bits!
Lucky boy with a choice :D Do you buy the hay online?
Hi, it's Fearn's dried grass (a mix of Timothy). I bought it from Percy Pet Supplies. It's good value at £18.99 for 10kg, but storage is a bit of an issue as I only have one rabbit.
Hi, it's Fearn's dried grass (a mix of Timothy). I bought it from Percy Pet Supplies. It's good value at £18.99 for 10kg, but storage is a bit of an issue as I only have one rabbit.
Thank you :) I have never heard of Percy Pet Supplies before. It is good value ❤️
That looks wonderful. Must take a look. Just got a new bah of ings hay so won't be for a while.

I have 3 rabbits now.