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Bella =] - a bit worried


Hi every1 :wave:

Firstly, I would like to say that i'm sorry I wasn't on to reply to your replies straight away, I was playing with Bella :oops:

Secondly, thank you sooo much for saying Bella is cute, stunning and small, but she won't stay small for much longer :lol:

Thirdly, I would like to mention that more photos of Bella are on the way :)

Thanks again and I will soon reply after you but proberbly not straight away :lol:

Love Diana :)
My baby Bella :]

Hiya every1 :wave:

I would just like to say that as I said more photos of Bella are on their way, well, here they are :lol:

Enjoy them because theres many more on their way :)







I know two of them are almost the same but one has more of her front paw in it then the other and my mum said she is going to be one big bunny :)
I'm hoping she won't get THAT big :?

Replies appreciated and hope the pics come out ok :)

Thanks again.
From Diana :)
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problems with uploading videos

Hello every1 :wave:

Just writing to say me and my sister made 2 little videos of Bella today and I thought "Hey! I could put them on Rabbit's United and share them with every1!"
But I have one problem, I don't know how to put the video onto Rabbit's United!

Anyone who does know how, please help :)

Hi Diana - Bella is gorgeous! Is she a house rabbit or does she live outside?

P.S. welcome to the forum :wave:

Hiya and thx for you reply!

She is living outside now :]
and thx for welcoming me here :]

Don't suppose you know how to upload a video on here by any chance??

Thx again,
Hello again - no I don't sorry, have you tried the FAQ section on the top of the page? Might help.... if not I'm sure someone will be along soon to help you out :D

My 2 buns live outside too, I'm just trying to get some decent photos to post on here of them! :lol:
hiya again

Hello again - thanks for that, I will try that section out, knowing my luck I will proberbly find something useful, apparently I dont look hard enough :lol:

Same situation as me, I just wish Bella would keep still and not wanting to boogy so much :lol:

From Diana.
Hi Diana - Just had a quick look myself, can't find anything obvious that tell you how to post videos. If you don't get any other replies that me be able to help you, you can always try the 'contact us' part at the bottom of the page... :D

Hope you get the answer soon! :D

Your Bella certainly sounds a handful :lol: :lol:
no worries!

No theres no need to apologise just because you missed my post silly :lol:

Any chance you know how to upload a video on Rabbit's United as the FAQs didn't help at all.

Diana ;)
Hey hun,

I think you need to go to www.photobucket.com and upload your video on to their first... when it comes to posting in the forum I think there'll be a whole address and some html which will say something about the video playing on their for u
i've tried that

I have already tried that but it says I need to put in a title before I can upload a video but I can't see any place where I can put it.

im scared...

Hello every1.

Earlier today, I got bella out of her hutch when she was cleaning her foot but she stopped just as i opened the door because she was curious on what I was doing :)
When I brought her inside the house and put her on my lap for a cuddle, she acted as if to say "Let me go!" she was also climbing all around and even managed to climb on my mum's shoulder and scrathed her arm :shock:

I have read about rabbits can have tantrums but was she just not in the mood for a cuddle who was it maybe her saying she either hates me or my mum and she would rather not be handled :?

I was quite upset when she acted like that, have I done something wrong?
I'm so scared in case she doesn't like me anymore :(

Please help, All replys appreciated :thumb:

Diana :?
Hi Diana - My girl rabbit Honey doesn't really enjoy being cuddled - sometimes she will really struggle to be let go. All we do is put her down, give her some space and let her come to us when she wants to.

We've come to realise that it's not because she hates us, she just doesn't like being crowded sometimes. It could be that Bella didn't fancy being fussed over at that particular time.

I'm sure she still loves you :D
oh - thanks toni - really appreciate your help :)

But if she didn't want to be fussed over, how come shes willing to be picked up whenever I try :roll: So confused... thats why I wanted to pick her up because I think she much get bored in there but I bought her 2 new toys yesterday :D

One is a ball with a noisy ball in the middle, SOO much noise it makes :lol:
and the other is like a little bone but on the two ends, it has little spaces so i put 2 pieces of cucumber in there, it's quite a challenge to get them out but she'll try :lol:

No problem, we're all here to help each other.

Honey still lets us pick her up, but can't wait to be put down again and given her own space! Bunnies are confusing things aren't they :lol:

Also, try not to give her too much cucumber, veg with high water content can make bunnies dopey and not very well. Be better to put small bits of carrot in there instead...;)
She's so tiny :shock: I wouldn't give her any veg at all until she's older really - too risky with baby bunnies that small. How long have you had her for? I doubt she's old enough to have 'tantrums' - that's usually when they start to grow up around 5 months old. I expect she's just a bit excited and scared at coming in the house and being handled - she will get to trust you after a while but imagine how she feels being so tiny - she might think you're going to eat her! :shock: In general, all rabbits aren't keen on being picked up so I always put a long sleeved top on if I'm handling mine so I don't get scratched :)