Wise Old Thumper
Early November 2023: take the buns for their annual Nobivac. Both are somewhat underweight. I realise it's probably because I'm being overstingy with pellets (and their hay isn't the greatest right now) so I up them. Everybun back to normal (less prominent spines).
Second week of December 2023: I notice Barrie looks hollow around his pelvis. I say some swearwords
Oh man he feels baaaad, really skinny. But, other than that, there is nothing wrong with him: he's happy, bouncy, running and jumping, input and output totally normal. Still shiny. I decide to just give him some baby food and oats to see if he'll last until January as he's not a very good patient and while he's happy, I'm reluctant to change his routine too much. He loves his porridge.
Just before Christmas 2023: he seems to have put a little bit back on, and maintaining, but still has ribs like razorblades (that is such a great description, thanks Rabbit House!). We have hope he'll last until January.
So, I popped into the vets yesterday on my way home from work (I walk right past it) and booked him in. There's, objectively, nothing wrong with him (apart from tooth hooks but he's always had those and they're doing nothing) except he's lost 1/4 of his bodyweight, poor lad. So he's had some blood tests sent off and I'm to pop back with him Saturday.
Barrie doesn't have a history: he was found as an adult in a carpark. I reckon he's quite old because he sleeps with is face smooshed into the floor (i.e. he no longer wakes and lifts his head like a slightly younger old bun). I certainly have no worries about him: if it's his time, then so be it, and he's been so normal I never felt there was any urgency. Quality over quantity every time. I wanted to get the bloods done, as I've been managing him for 4wks with just extra food, and he's not gone any more downhill so let's see if it's something acute, who knows! I just need to feel we've done our best for him. He's not the greatest patient, and I don't feel he'd benefit from full hands-on care in this circumstance. I.e. he'd hate it.
Our experience with Lopsy losing weight was different: Lopsy was actively much less happy, much less himself, so the went to the vets straightaway. If Barrie goes on like this and pops his clogs one night, I know I'll have done him right. I even told our bunny sitter over Christmas that he might just drop dead, but he never did, so that shoebox I kept never needed to be used. Chibbs was apparently being more of a bully to him though, but I think that's because she thinks she can run circles round our bunny sitter ;P
Realistically, I suspect it's terminal, like kidneys or a tumour we just can't feel. We've only had Barrie for 2yrs but I think he's had fun while he's been here (Chibbs' attitude notwithstanding ;P), and that's all we could ask for
Second week of December 2023: I notice Barrie looks hollow around his pelvis. I say some swearwords

Just before Christmas 2023: he seems to have put a little bit back on, and maintaining, but still has ribs like razorblades (that is such a great description, thanks Rabbit House!). We have hope he'll last until January.
So, I popped into the vets yesterday on my way home from work (I walk right past it) and booked him in. There's, objectively, nothing wrong with him (apart from tooth hooks but he's always had those and they're doing nothing) except he's lost 1/4 of his bodyweight, poor lad. So he's had some blood tests sent off and I'm to pop back with him Saturday.
Barrie doesn't have a history: he was found as an adult in a carpark. I reckon he's quite old because he sleeps with is face smooshed into the floor (i.e. he no longer wakes and lifts his head like a slightly younger old bun). I certainly have no worries about him: if it's his time, then so be it, and he's been so normal I never felt there was any urgency. Quality over quantity every time. I wanted to get the bloods done, as I've been managing him for 4wks with just extra food, and he's not gone any more downhill so let's see if it's something acute, who knows! I just need to feel we've done our best for him. He's not the greatest patient, and I don't feel he'd benefit from full hands-on care in this circumstance. I.e. he'd hate it.
Our experience with Lopsy losing weight was different: Lopsy was actively much less happy, much less himself, so the went to the vets straightaway. If Barrie goes on like this and pops his clogs one night, I know I'll have done him right. I even told our bunny sitter over Christmas that he might just drop dead, but he never did, so that shoebox I kept never needed to be used. Chibbs was apparently being more of a bully to him though, but I think that's because she thinks she can run circles round our bunny sitter ;P
Realistically, I suspect it's terminal, like kidneys or a tumour we just can't feel. We've only had Barrie for 2yrs but I think he's had fun while he's been here (Chibbs' attitude notwithstanding ;P), and that's all we could ask for