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bald patch on stomach. red around the area?

Is this the bunny who had the poorly tummy the other day? If it is, it could be a possibility that she plucked out her tummy fur because her tummy hurt so much and she was trying to make it better.

yes it is but the vet yesterday said she was fine probably just a bad tummy and she as got it from the time 8:30 am - 3:30 pm because she didnt have it before i left at 8:30 am she is still eating drinking and moving around:)
Yeh, what I mean is, when it was hurting, that she could have tried to make it better, and you just noticed it now.
Yeh, what I mean is, when it was hurting, that she could have tried to make it better, and you just noticed it now.

i was checking her belly this mornignbecause of the illness on sunday to see if it was swelled or back to normal and i didnt see anything. maybe i just missed it.:)
i was checking her belly this mornignbecause of the illness on sunday to see if it was swelled or back to normal and i didnt see anything. maybe i just missed it.:)

Fingers crossed she has just pulled some fur out then, let us know how it goes won't you.
Fingers crossed she has just pulled some fur out then, let us know how it goes won't you.

of course:) it doesnt seem to be bothering her so i think i might leave her till the morning but of course if anything detirorates(sp??) she will be going straight to the vets
How is the little girl today, is it dry now?:wave:

well i was ill yesterday so sorry for not answering:) well yesterday she was eating drinking etc so thought just keep a close eye on it for 24 hours and then later realised it could of been from bullyng from the other two rabbits so we moved her out into spear hutch and withing hours it was dry(whenever i saw it it was wet) and the fur was starting to grow back a little bit today also she was the thinnest and already i can see the difference in her when she is being fed alone so she is gettig the right amount of food. a question is she is right beside the other rabbits will they be ok once she has recovered (grown and eaten enought) and all the fur has grown back to go back in with those two of coure when the two girlies are old enough they will be spayed?
well i was ill yesterday so sorry for not answering:) well yesterday she was eating drinking etc so thought just keep a close eye on it for 24 hours and then later realised it could of been from bullyng from the other two rabbits so we moved her out into spear hutch and withing hours it was dry(whenever i saw it it was wet) and the fur was starting to grow back a little bit today also she was the thinnest and already i can see the difference in her when she is being fed alone so she is gettig the right amount of food. a question is she is right beside the other rabbits will they be ok once she has recovered (grown and eaten enought) and all the fur has grown back to go back in with those two of coure when the two girlies are old enough they will be spayed?

I think you can try re-bonding when they are all speyed, I would be wary about it with 3 doe's personally just because I think doe's are territorial and like their own space/territory and now that you have separated her it is highly likely they will fight. Your going to have to handle this carefully I think, do you have 3 doe's?
I think you can try re-bonding when they are all speyed, I would be wary about it with 3 doe's personally just because I think doe's are territorial and like their own space/territory and now that you have separated her it is highly likely they will fight. Your going to have to handle this carefully I think, do you have 3 doe's?

yes. I dont think they fight because i spend a lot of time with them and they are never aggresive towards her. i think they maybe over groom her or something along those lines. i have put a run beside them two and ash was trying to lick her when she lay down by the mesh:love: