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7 of my 'on Borrowed Time' Rabbits Updated 13th July :-(

Oh goodness, I've only just seen this.

I know you will always do the right thing for your beloved rabbits but I can't imagine how hard this is for you.

Sending lots and lots of love and vibes for all your bunnies and much love to you too.

I'm so sorry times are so difficult for you.

Take care xxx
Thank you all again

C has just left. Some of the 7 Rabbits are now on Tramadol as well as Metacam for arthritis/spondylosis. We are in the last chance saloon for Harry though :cry: If he does not respond to the adding of Gabapentin to his drug regime then I will have to let him go :cry: Jo, Harry's friend, has advanced spondylosis and she is going off her back legs now too. If she does not respond to an increase in the doses of her medication I will also have to let her go :cry: It may be the case that it would be kinder to let them both go together if one responds to the medication changes and one does not. Despite not being bonded for that long they are incredibly close. They are almost always side by side all day every day. Neither has a condition that can be cured or that will improve and I would question the quality of life of whoever was the Rabbit left behind. I cant think too much about that now though. We will know within about a week if things are going to be manageable once the new medication regime kicks in.

All I can say is thank goodness C is our Vet, she is an absolute treasure.
:cry: sending lots of vibes for Harry and Jo. I know you will do what is best for them xx
What sad news Jane.. I hope the medications can make a little difference to their quality of life.. Hugs for you too..

you are very lucky to have such a caring and compassionate vet in C

Vibes being sent x
What a horrid dilemma to be in. Sending vibes to all your elderly/poorly buns and extra vibes for Harry & Jo. Hoping there is some improvement over the weekend. Hugs to you, too. xxx
Sending tons of vibes from here. It's tough going through this sort of thing with just one bun at a time, can't imagine it being so many at once. Even if we know they don't stay with us forever, it never gets any easier.
Beautiful pictures Jane. Sending you lots of love, hug and coping vibe and of course vibes and nose rubs for all the bun too xxx
Awe.........Harry and Jo look like they are s much in love. What a sweet elderly little couple.. Sending vibes for all of you.
I'm so sorry to hear this Jane, you dedicate so much of your life and time to your buns. Sending you vibes for the best possible resolution and outcome for any problems you're going through there. May they be very temporary. x