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Which bunny?***she is here***

And I thought Ruby had a big dewlap :shock: She's an absolute beauty though. Sending lots of nose rubs her way :love:
She is very timid, and has had very little human contact, but I just know she will respond quickly to lots of TLC :D
So glad she is in your hands now! How can it get so big? What is a dewlaps actually perpose?

mit said:
So glad she is in your hands now! How can it get so big? What is a dewlaps actually purpose?


A dewlap is used by the female rabbit to pluck fur from to make a nest just before she has kits, sometime they grow very large, like this one!! it will be removed surgically, to enable her to lead a more normal Life
hunnybun said:
mit said:
So glad she is in your hands now! How can it get so big? What is a dewlaps actually purpose?


A dewlap is used by the female rabbit to pluck fur from to make a nest just before she has kits, sometime they grow very large, like this one!! it will be removed surgically, to enable her to lead a more normal Life

I see! I just though females just plucked fur from thier belly and from the insides of thier legs. Didnt know that! Learn something new every day! :D

She has a beautiful face, please keep us updated how she goes, poor bunny. How did she get in that state?
hunnybun said:
kayjay said:
She has a beautiful face, please keep us updated how she goes, poor bunny. How did she get in that state?

Just ignored and neglected! I feel sooooo sad for her :(

She's in the right place, I'll look forward to the 'after' pictures, good luck with her