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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Rapid Breathing


Young Bun

This problem seems to have happened a few times looking through the forum but no-one seems to have an answer to it.

We have a Rex bunny who started having the rapid breathing at the start of the week, we thought it was heat stroke as she had been sitting in the sun, took her to the vets and she was put on an anitbiotic - she eats well, drinks well etc but the heart beat is still there? and no other symptoms - any ideas?
if its not the heat it could be the lungs? or the heart?

my bunny had an enlarged heart and her first symptoms were rapid breathing at rest and pointing her head into the sky to get more air in :(
Have a look at Jack's Jane's posts as she has a lot of rexes -some who have had breathing probs. sue:wave:
could it still be to do with the hot weather? because it is still really humid isn't it. my two are struggling more with their breathing lately. (they are both respiratory buns)

other things could be what other people have said. x
rapid breathing

she is spayed, and she is putting her head into the air to breathe when resting - if she does have an enlarged heart what is the treatment and how was it caused?
she is spayed, and she is putting her head into the air to breathe when resting - if she does have an enlarged heart what is the treatment and how was it caused?

I think she needs some pretty urgent diagnostics. A chest Xray may be possible without GA, only a dorsal view though. Also a full blood profile and U/S of the heart.

Raising her head to breathe whilst at rest is not good at all :cry: It means she is finding it difficult to get enough oxygen into her lungs. This may be due to problems within the lungs themselves, a heart problem,or a mass in the chest cavity (Thymoma).

I strongly advise you to get her back to a Rabbit savvy vet ASAP. Treatment options will depend on obtaining a diagnosis.

Not wishing to frighten you but this really does need urgent attention.

Please let us know how you get on xx
Many thanks.

I have just taken her to the vet and they are going to carry out an X-ray to determine the cause - I shall update you all - many thanks for the quick advice. Should know later today.
Many thanks.

I have just taken her to the vet and they are going to carry out an X-ray to determine the cause - I shall update you all - many thanks for the quick advice. Should know later today.

Well done for taking immediate action.
I hope the Vets can help her xx
Very sad news - she died 20 mins ago - the vet did carry out the x-ray and said she had fluid outside her lungs which made the breathing difficult - this could have been due to heart problems or a tumour according to the vet and she was quite old - very very sas - she was a rescue bunny and we gave her a lovely last few years.