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Poppet is poorly :-( - U/D Thursday - He's comin home!!!!

Good grief- what on earth is going on with these poorly bunnies :shock: :cry:

Just caught up with this Carys (as you know, lol, just text you) I hope Poppet is ok, give him a gentle snuggle from me and keep us updated xxxx
I had a rabbit that had ate something she shouldn't out of the garden and ended up the same as Poppet and she was fine after. sending you and Poppet big hugs.
Awwww thanks Kay that is reassuring :thumb:

Thanks everyone for your wishes it really helped me yesterday :)

I am meant to be ringing them late morning but I will be ringing at 9 :D
When you came to mine last year it was the rabbit that was roaming in the Garden (Pepper).
Well just spoken to the vets, they said he went very poorly last night but looks a lot brighter this morning. He has eaten a bit of his food and done a few poops but not many she said.

I have to ring back at 3 as they may want to monitor him again overnight ot make sure he is eating and drinking normally.

Does this sound good guys???

I love my little Poppet :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: