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My rabbit loves to eat newspaper! Help!!


Alpha Buck

I am looking for some help. My Bramble has started to eat news paper when he is in his hutch with Poppy. I feed them on Excel lite and they have a mixture of veg, but he keeps eating newspaper that Poppy enjoys digging up! If he keep eating it will it harm him? what can I do??

Thanks :)
know the feeling

Most people say it wont but the amounts that Winnie eats surely it would cause a blockage? I no longer use it but if they live outside you may need to put a potty in if thats what you used it for mainly. Otherwise if it was for warmth try some lino on bottom also good to wipe clean and then bedding on top. Suppose little bits wouldnt do much harm. Maybes hes trying to tell you something about the newspaper you buy;)