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my foraging diary

It looks like it should be edible TLC - of course I have no idea again though.

I am getting badly bitten every time I forage now .......so itchy & grumpy ....so for now I have fallen out of love with foraging . I need to acquire some anti histamines & cover myself with stinky neem oil.
It looks like Common Fleabane to me. I've never found it on any lists, either safe or not safe, so I don't feed it, although we have lots of it here every year.

I agree j&b, it does look as though it should be OK :)
It looks like Common Fleabane to me. I've never found it on any lists, either safe or not safe, so I don't feed it, although we have lots of it here every year.

I agree j&b, it does look as though it should be OK :)

ahhhh it's all about the itchy today
ive had to change foraging areas because of getting bites, plus if its narrow paths with flowers there are bees and my phobia of bees id ridiculous at the minute i went screaming down a path and forgot there was a stream at the bottom and was stuck, then i had to run back through the same path again still screaming lol.. now i go to the nice open areas where i can run away easily. I am getting braver for the buns though because they love knappweed and bees love it too so i have to be brave to pick that for them :lol: it makes me feel like a right fool but i cant help it, and insects just LOVE my blood
Yes definitely :D

I planted one in my garden years ago and it's a right bush now :lol:

brilliant - thank you. I have a tiny plant in my garden, bore some fruit in the first year but the birds beat me to it,this year its done nothing. Got a handful of fruit for me too :)
Sow thistle was new on the menu today. It didn't interest the girls (til everything else was demolished) but this didn't stop Joey trying to run off with it every time they even looked at him. Wish I'd taken video. It was hilarious since clearly awkward to carry & was the same length as him. He does like his thistles:love:

I keep forgetting to take my camera to get a photo of the 'Silverweed'. I do think it is actually, its started to go silvery
i was growing the smooth one, dont know what its called and none of mine touch it when there is something else on the menu so im drying it to save xx it takes ages though.
its annoying when stuff takes ages to dry! I now seek out the quick driers - love Rowan - dries in a day.
I'm on my last drying spree, doing massive mixed box that will top up the fresh over the next 2 months. I notice autumn like changes in the trees in my garden already - I don't think the supply will be up to much soon :( I think I probably stopped foraging lots end of September last year but hoping now that I know more plants & trees I'll get a bit longer.
Sorry it's taken so long - common fleabane looks like it's right on the mark for the ID of my most recent photo. I'm going to do some digging now... :)
Is there much foraging around your new home?

Yes, there should be plenty - there is lots of farm land & country lanes. I'll have to get dressed though :lol: No tumbling over the garden wall in my jimjams

OH works near where we live now so I may bulk forage back here from time to time then he can get me in the car with my sack loads :) I won't have a big house with empty rooms for drying though
Hi All,

I'm following this thread avidly. I'm afraid that as far as foraging goes i am pretty rubbish, i am constantly second guessing what i have found. At the moment my greatest fear is bring disease home though. I have a fully vaccinated bunny, am i being totally paranoid. I know people have asked this question loads of times but i think i need my mind put at rest. ;)

D xx
Hi All,

I'm following this thread avidly. I'm afraid that as far as foraging goes i am pretty rubbish, i am constantly second guessing what i have found. At the moment my greatest fear is bring disease home though. I have a fully vaccinated bunny, am i being totally paranoid. I know people have asked this question loads of times but i think i need my mind put at rest. ;)

D xx

If it'll help you to know, I was bringing forage home to the rabbits even when they hadn't had their VHD2 vaccine. I just made sure there was no bird dropping on it that I could see. They didn't get any thing from rabbit height when they weren't vaccinated.
Now they're fully vaccinated they get a lot more than they were getting, and they get things from ground level too.

You could buy the seeds for plantin, dandelions and timothy grass from the hay experts to grow at home?
wow i didnt know you could buy those sorts of seeds, what a dummy. I have a veggie patch just for his food (carrots, kale etc) i could add some of those in there. thanks for the info :D
wow i didnt know you could buy those sorts of seeds, what a dummy. I have a veggie patch just for his food (carrots, kale etc) i could add some of those in there. thanks for the info :D


hope the link helps :)
I've got the dandelions & the plantin growing in cat litter trays in the back garden. Looks brilliant when people come visit - I get the real crazy person look from people... some even take a slow step back
Hi All,

I'm following this thread avidly. I'm afraid that as far as foraging goes i am pretty rubbish, i am constantly second guessing what i have found. At the moment my greatest fear is bring disease home though. I have a fully vaccinated bunny, am i being totally paranoid. I know people have asked this question loads of times but i think i need my mind put at rest. ;)

D xx

I'm not paranoid, I'm on the laid back side :lol:

But honestly I wouldn't worry if your buns are vaccinated. I know there's always a risk, but it's very very tiny for your rabbits. And far outweighed by the goodness you're bringing home for them :D