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matts uri 'snuffles' - *a very hoppy little bun bun at the minute!*

I'm so :D :D :D :D with the way things are going for Matt. It's great he's getting rid of the pus himself, & feeling improvement so soon.

Have you got rid of the "stink" yet? & is the stuff out of your sofa?
(confession - I've got critical care over walls & sofa. Don't seem able to remember the syringe blocks & releases with a big squirt. :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol: So you're not the only one!
Judy & Thumper

well today matt was not happy at all. he even thumped at me after, and he never does that!! funny though that he comes out of the carrier, and runs straight to the kitchen door and sits and waits for his reward (piece of veg! - with carefully concealed half a tablet in!!! :lol:)

i've managed to clean the carpet...and settee...so that's good.

i always manage to mess things up like syringes etc...! once i totally messed up mixing the zithromax, all i had to do was mix 9ml of water with it, but idiot here added 0.9ml and wondered why it was all thick and gooey! even rang the vets to say it was a dodgy bottle! :oops::oops::oops:

Aaaw I wouldn't worry too much about him thumping at you. Reckon he's saying "I'm feeling much better now - don't need nebuliser any more - It's making me cross". If he's coming for his treat afterwards he's not stressed out, he'll forgive you!!! It's like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum.
I may be crackers but talk to mine - "I know it's not nice for you but you need it to get better....." Just hope he picks something up in my tone of voice.

Well done slipping his meds in with his treat. :) Wish I could get away with that!
Aaaw I wouldn't worry too much about him thumping at you. Reckon he's saying "I'm feeling much better now - don't need nebuliser any more - It's making me cross". If he's coming for his treat afterwards he's not stressed out, he'll forgive you!!! It's like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum.
I may be crackers but talk to mine - "I know it's not nice for you but you need it to get better....." Just hope he picks something up in my tone of voice.

Well done slipping his meds in with his treat. :) Wish I could get away with that!

:lol: i do talk to him, all the pets, alot! and in a voice that makes me sound nuts!!! :lol:
it's all going wrong...as usual.

well matt has decided he now hates the nebuliser and when he sees me setting everything up he runs away, then i try and catch him and pick him up and he lunges at me and goes to bite me. he was never like this before all the different injections etc he has been on lately.

i put him the carrier and usually he's ok but he went mad scratching me.

then inside he was biting and pulling at the bars so hard, he knocked the nebuliser over, which in turn knocked my tea all over me, and the floor and the wires. he was scratching aswell and i had no choice but to turn it off and let him out.

i don't know how he is going to get better when he won't stay in the carrier, and i'm just sat here in tears because of the stress of it all, and i'm upset that matts upset. :cry::cry::cry:
I've no ideas, just couldn't leave you & Matt "on your own" tonight. Is it back to your vet for help tomorrow? We're thinking of you both so much down here.
Judy & Thumper.
Have you tried giving him some food whilst he's in the carrier so he associates the experience with something pleasant?
waiting for the vet to ring to see what to do now. i don't get it, matt was fine with it at first and then decided he hates it. he won't eat anything whilst he is in there either. see what the vet says.
don't want to get my hopes up, but he's in it now and so far he's ok! i've moved the carrier somewhere else, higher up so he knows he hasn't got the option of jumping out and down! seems to be working! tried him with veg again whilst he's in there and he's looked at it and not eaten it, but i know he secretly wants it! :)
don't want to get my hopes up, but he's in it now and so far he's ok! i've moved the carrier somewhere else, higher up so he knows he hasn't got the option of jumping out and down! seems to be working! tried him with veg again whilst he's in there and he's looked at it and not eaten it, but i know he secretly wants it! :)

Aww...i'm sure he'll get used to it in time...fingers crossed. Well done for perservering. :D
well that went well. :) just thought i'd give it one last try with the carrier higher up, and with veg again and he was much better. he's actually better when he can't see me. as soon as he knows i'm there he wants to get out more. he ate all the veg aswell whilst he was inside. :)

i opened the door and he stayed inside this time because he found a stray piece of veg! :lol: then he waits for all his praise etc! :love:

bisc makes me laugh because he waits and when he hears the timer go off he runs over and gets excited and then when he sees matt he hops and snuggles him and grooms him! :love: he does it everytime aswell! :love:

glad i gave it another chance! :)
Well done !!!!! I'm so pleased you've sorted out something that works for Matt.
Oh what a little rascal - but he knows you love him to pieces.
Please keep us posted with his progress.
Judy & Thumper.
[I noticed in raine's post they've already thought of my "idea". Human medicine behind the vets? Hmmmm. ;)]
well things aren't so good today. matt is very snuffly again and he is quiet aswell. been keeping an eye on him. he's eating, drinking, toiletting normally etc, but seems not quite himself. he's back on metacam aswell and is just really snuffly and uncomfotable. :(

when the weather is cold and damp he seems to get much worse. :(

he's trying to sleep at the minute but when he wakes up i'll do the nebuliser. he might appreciate it today if it clears his airways a bit.

also, i'm sure the lump on his ear has grown. and now it seems like it's full of pus which it didn't before. it's measured everytime we go to the vets anyway, but next time i think the vet will say it has grown. he's at the vets in a couple of weeks i think so we will see then.

poor matt. :(
he's snuffly, but still has time to go through the shopping bags for food! :love: i'm feeling so down today and bisc and matt going through the bags just cheered me up so much! :love:
I'm so sorry to hear Matt's news today, but it's good that he's still interested in the shopping!! Well done for starting him back on metacam, it will help any pain from the lump by his ear too.
I can understand that his symptoms get worse in warm humid weather. As you know bunnies only breath through their noses, (except very rarely). They breath more quickly in warm humid weather, (I think to help to keep body temperature down).
[We're "in there with you both"]
Judy & Thumper.
well matt deserves big cuddles! he's just been nebulised and he was fantastic! no scratching or biting the bars, he didn't even lunge at me! he was so good, and actually seemed to get relief from it today what with him being so blocked up. aww, i'm flippin crying again, but because i'm happy now! flippin crying all the time! :roll:

bisc was so happy when he came out of the carrier aswell! he sits with me and waits and then hops round and grooms matt when he sees him. :love:

sorry, i know i'm repeating myself loads again but i'm just so proud of him and it will help him so much so i'm so glad.

yeh, the lump on his ear is a bit of a concern but nothing can be done until it grows big enough, if it does that is. although it seems different, it's kind of moving around under the skin now, like it's full of pus, whereas before it was firmly attached to the skin. see how much it has grown next time we go.

just want to say thanks to everyone who is thinking of matt and sending him vibes and that, it means alot, and you lot on here understand so it helps me aswell. :)
You've every reason to be proud of Matt!! & every reason to feel up & down like a yoyo. It's been a long haul for both of you.
Chuckle - I attempted pooping vibes for 3 rabbits in a row, Thumper lying against my feet - HE pooped a handful AND he's usually toilet trained :lol::lol::lol: