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matts uri 'snuffles' - *a very hoppy little bun bun at the minute!*

Well if I'm so thrilled by your news, you must be over the moon.
Good boy Matt - keep it up!:D:D:D

i actually just broke down and was sobbing but just from relief. i know it sounds dramatic but i've been so worried and i can now see a light at the end of the tunnel. it's just taken so long to get to this point and so much worry for me and matt, but i just really do think he will get over this now, i really do. gosh....i'll set off crying again in a minute! so relieved and happy. x
Excellent news!!! :D Well done all of you for your hard work and patience....
I'm so happy that both your buns are doing so well, you must be so relieved. Congrats :D:wave:
thank you.

just worked out that if matt is able to come off all meds in another few months then he will have been on some meds or another for nine months! he's done so well.

fingers crossed the next few months are the final stage of the meds!
i'm soooooooooooo happy because matt is soooooooo happy and hyper! :D he must be feeling loads better! :D i looked up and his nostrils are big now and i can't believe how blocked up they were after looking at them now. :( the poor thing must have been struggling so much. :(

but things are looking so great for him now. and i am so thrilled for him. :D
You all deserve a break, after such a long illness. This has made my day!
Bit further to go but it's sounding really good. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

so happy with how matt is at the minute. :D he goes in the nebuliser now and when he comes out he only has a little bit of mucus round one nostril now! he is hardly sneezing at all, and his nostrils are big and clear! :D

he is so happy, how he used to be, binkying round and being cheeky!

i am just so happy, he seems so happy and excited and it's just been so long but now the mucus is finally nearly gone. :D

he's over half way with his nebuliser/mucus breaking tablet treatment and it's going so well. :D
so happy with how matt is at the minute. :D he goes in the nebuliser now and when he comes out he only has a little bit of mucus round one nostril now! he is hardly sneezing at all, and his nostrils are big and clear! :D

he is so happy, how he used to be, binkying round and being cheeky!

i am just so happy, he seems so happy and excited and it's just been so long but now the mucus is finally nearly gone. :D

he's over half way with his nebuliser/mucus breaking tablet treatment and it's going so well. :D

Fab news :D:thumb: So pleased for you both. How's Bisc doing?
I'm so delighted by your news, & really excited for all buns with a snuffles type illness. I feel that thinning the secretions throughout the upper airways, with nebulised Abs. & Bisolvon will be the way forward to curing this terrible illness. You've got a brilliant vet.
I can't begin to imagine your joy to see Matt back to his former self again.
I'm so delighted by your news, & really excited for all buns with a snuffles type illness. I feel that thinning the secretions throughout the upper airways, with nebulised Abs. & Bisolvon will be the way forward to curing this terrible illness. You've got a brilliant vet.
I can't begin to imagine your joy to see Matt back to his former self again.

thank you, it is so great to see. :D it has taken alot to get to this point, but it shows it can be done, greatly improved and even 'cured'.

the vet and i are hopeful now that matt will be off all medications in as little as a couple of months. :D

it goes without saying that i am so proud of matt.

lets hope the next approx six weeks are as good. :D
u/d - a new nebuliser!

hmmmm.... well matt decided his new 'game' was to bite and shake the bars of his carrier which was his nebuliser! :roll:

so he now has a clear plastic box with a hole cut in the side. he is much better in this. i wish i had done this first now!

he sits in it on his blanket and eats his veg, and watches us and bisc until he's done his time!

vets soon for a check up but he is doing really well, loads less sneezing and hardly any pus coming out of his nose now.

he is doing great. will see if he is still on course to come off the meds in a month and a half or so.

been such a long road but i really feel he is nearly there now. x
That's wonderful news! Well done Matt and well done you :D I'm so pleased all that hard work and determination has paid off for you both. :)
bit of a backward step - matt has lots of pus around his nose again. i don't know why.

he was doing so well and even after the nebuliser there was hardly any pus coming out, and now there is alot again. :(

he's still ok in himself and he isn't sneezing anymore than he has been which is not even everyday now, but the pus is all there again. :?

at the vets wednesday so will see where to go from here. he has done three months now on the nebuliser, aswell as being on the ronoxon tablets and metacam. he has been having treatment for nine months now. :(

this is proving to be such a stubborn infection. :(
Please don't be too downhearted. Snuffles is a complicated illness which not only affects the nose but sinuses & other parts of the upper airway which all interconnect. It's difficult for me to say what is actually going on here, but there is a strong possibility that there is so much improvement, that 1 of his sinuses has started to drain months worth of gunk. I'm so hoping this is the case for you. Please hang on in there.
awww hun :( think you need a good cry and an early night, your coping with his illness amazingly well and im sorry it doesnt seem to be getting any better :cry: